We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
This cover definitely calls to me. The contrasting dark and bright colors are interesting and mysterious.
The red hair – looks like it’s on fire. Definitely curious. Love the dress, very interesting how at the corner it starts to maybe dissolve. Or maybe that’s all water splashes. Still an eye-catching effect.
The font, I’m torn on. I kind of like it, but also kind of feel it is overkill with the swirlies. I like the gradient and texture of it. Just not the curly K or D.
Overall I would definitely pick it up to read the blurb.
I’m very jealous of that hair! Mine would never do that.
I like the overall feel of the cover; it certainly draws my attention. The feel of movement in the woman on the cover is very real. The colors work well together. The font is ok for me, easy enough to read, mimicking the color of the hair.
Is that water? Or space in the background? Either way, not much burns in water or space, so I think the hair looks like it’s floating more than on fire.
Overall, I’d agree with Julie and pick this up to read the blurb.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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It’s eye-catching, but there is A LOT going on with this cover and font and title combo. I don’t think I’d pick it up.
Hmmmmm….I’m on the fence. I like the colors – very striking – and the title but I’m not so sure the cover fits the title. I would read the back to see what it’s about I think just because of the title.