What it Means To BE a Woman
And Yes, Women do Poop!
A word by the author:
Hi! I am Jacqueline Pirtle, the author of this book. It’s really nice to meet you!
Thanks for your interest. I know that we will have a marvelous time together as women.
Believe me when I say, “I wrote this jewel with my deepest excitement,” because I really, really, really, love being a woman. Seriously! Consciously finding the meaning behind “being a woman,” made my already-thrilled female existence even more exciting––to the point that I AM feeling on top of the highest mountain about being my own woman.
I hope that this book will get you there too, so we can both – together, throughout our hand-in-hand time – celebrate our femininity, sharing and spreading this elegance with women all around the world.
I was inspired to give writing a try rather by accident, or better said through listening to my oh-so insistent soul-voice, which on New Year’s Eve of 2016 was ordering me to write every day of 2017 about happiness. What does happiness mean for me and the world? What IS happiness anyways? And how do you create happiness on a day-to-day or even on a split-second to split-second basis?
At first, it was simply an idea that felt like loads of fun. Then these writings turned into a blog on my website, freakyhealer.com, until I got word from readers that they awaited my happiness passages to use as tools to shift themselves into well-being and a state of stable mental health on a daily basis.
That’s when it hit me like a lightning bolt––the idea to make a whole book out of these writings so that people can have a little piece of me, and my happiness findings, in their homes and feel good anywhere at anytime; every single day, no matter their circumstances.
The end of December in 2017 came around pretty fast, and even though my lack of knowledge about the book-making business made it daunting at first, it was time for me to become a published author. On December 31st 2017, I gave my book to the editors, found the perfect book cover, went for a photo shoot, edited and rewrote it a million times, and voila––self-published 365 Days of Happiness in February 2018. This was a successful team effort thanks to the supportive help of many glorious people––for details see the credits. A dream team, indeed!
What an experience! Actually, it was so epic that I decided to write my next book – Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops, which was self-published in September 2019 – again, with the help of my dream team.
By now I am very much breathing, living, and thinking like a writer––if that is actually a thing. Some say this means that whatever you say could end up on paper, so be careful what you chitter chatter around me… Just kidding!
Besides writing books, I am the owner of the lifestyle company FreakyHealer, where I am a holistic practitioner and a speaker. I have been helping clients to live better-feeling lives through my sessions, programs, workshops, and teachings professionally since 2006. Way before that, I helped people on a private level.
My life-long gift of sensing people’s energetic needs and situations, then translating that information into words and sharing that crucial wisdom for them to grasp and apply to their lives, has helped thousands of people – privately and professionally – all over the world.
Some call me the brightest light – bright in the sense of shining – in the shed because I grasp momentums that are like open portals, let them vividly flow through me, and deliver said information to the person of interest––always letting me have and give an explanation, hint, or answer.
When living close with me – I’m talking about my family here – it can come across as being an always knowing smart aleck and can be very annoying at times, but for my clients this always knowing is crucial, helpful, and welcomed because they pay me and expect me to consistently know for them––so I give my best to BE and live openly to receive the always knowing wisdom that is there for me to translate to them. This is a very potent way to live life.
How I write is no different––I open up to these portals that are filled with wisdom, let the words flow through me, and on they go into my laptop and onto paper. I know that I am meant to write them because I feel amazing when I do, and that well-feeling of mine is charging my books energetically with potent goodness, which touches your heart deeply. Some readers report back to me that simply looking at, holding, or hugging my books shifts them to well-being before even reading a word.
Privately, I am a happy wife of millions of amazing years to the love of my life and a fulfilled mom to two phenomenal young adults – My children! I always will like to call them my children – and to cats as well––some came and went and never will be forgotten, and some came and are still here, their energy always being on my mind.
As a woman who has lived in this lifetime for quite a while now, I have done millions of the women things that we females are so famous for doing and being, including:
- Figuring out my beautiful female body––continuously learning about all boob and vagina knowledge
- Finding my sexuality––every day, newly and freshly
- Came clean with loving my oh-so always seemingly present and never-really-ending period––since it’s not just when it’s flowing, but way before and way after, that it makes a mark on my body and mood
- Becoming a mom––two kids made it and one did not
- Finding my strengths and weaknesses––if there really is such a thing as weakness
- Setting boundaries––more and more clearly as I go
- Cleansing out my old recordings, habits, and beliefs of needing to be a “good girl”
- Feeling beautiful about myself as a whole
- Falling in love with myself, followed by really unconditionally loving myself anew and anew
- Celebrating the sometimes-absence of my period, and loving my beautifully mature age––figuring this gracious phase of being a woman out as I go
I know that I have done “enough” experiences of being a woman in order to gracefully write this book about the meaning of being a woman, and give respect to the power of what being a woman really means. Not only am I happy being a woman, I am also very positive in my beautiful female garden where all sorts of feminine plants are growing––beautiful flowers (experiences) right beside all the weeds of rape, sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, and the realness of experiencing that for some people, a woman is of lesser value; or that my red hair means I am a witch to some to this day.
In nature, flowers and weeds all together make the most gorgeous garden ever. Many times the weeds actually feed and fuel the flowers to grow more beautiful, strong, and powerful than ever––enough to weather any storm. You as a woman are no different!
Now, it is of absolute importance to me that you stop all compassion, empathy, or identifying yourself with my mentioned traumas immediately – if that is where you were heading – because not only am I not fishing for your heartfelt sympathy, it is of no value to you and me if you step into the lake of feeling them for me. If this puts the big question mark of “What’s that all about?” on your forehead, I want you to jump to the chapter Compassion and Empathy – yes, I wrote a whole chapter about these two very important feelings – with speed. There I explain how to feel those feelings in a good-feeling way––the only way, really. I promise, you will see that I am no cold-hearted woman because of what I just said.
Don’t get me wrong, when things happen against our will it is brutal and can be unforgivable. I never endorse that behavior or happening ever. The offender needs to be held accountable, and the victim needs support, love, and unlimited never-ending respect.
However, there IS humongous healing possible in these traumas and wounds––as well as an invitational growth opportunity of self-love. I decided early on to claim it all, that I am not a victim and won’t spread and share victim energy–– even if it is available for me to choose from. Instead, turn it all around to be my own empower-er, and from that healthy space I share and spread absolute empowerment. For me, empowering is far more helpful than “victim-ing”––with everything that life has in store to be experienced.
I have not mentioned my wounds before publicly––not because I feel shame or want to hide them, but simply out of love for the constant forward-moving state by not focusing or dwelling on the old. Running around and talking about what happened, to every cell I encounter, would represent that re- live, re-create, and re-feel of these old happenings again and again. All while the world grows compassion and empathy for me, maybe even builds a monument for all that I have been through––shifting the focus away from my work of helping people live happier lives, to the world talking about my traumas and feeling sorry for me. This is a momentum that I don’t judge, but am not seeking, because it simply is not my cup of tea and in the end won’t help me or the people that love my teachings.
“But why now?” you might ask.
Now is the fitting time for me to share it in a way that is right for me, because this book is about and for women––and also about and for me. Plus, I didn’t want you to be part of my old problematic experiences, I wanted you to be a witness of my new amplified solutions––and now I want to help you through what I calibrated into because of it all. The intention of this book and all my teachings IS to shift anything and everything to BE an empowering experience to have–– meaning to shift being a woman into an empowering experience to have. No matter the circumstances.
And with that, let the big, bold, curtains fall and the glorious stage for this empowering play of What it Means To BE a Woman begin––to be witnessed by, shared with, and spread to ALL women: young and old, small and big; slim or voluptuous; lesbian or straight, transgender or cisgender; decided or undecided of their femininity, married or single; mother or not, homestay or career-oriented; rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy; disabled or not, short-haired or longhaired, hairy or no hair, and of any and all religions.
To ALL women, of the whole wide world––you ladies rock!
You ALL have my purest acknowledgment, my deepest respect, my finest appreciation, my full-on gratitude, and my sincere love.
Not leaving men out on purpose, you have my deepest respect too, but after all––this IS a book about and for women.
Yours truly, Jacqueline
All views in this book are my own opinions and experiences––take what fits from it and leave the rest behind. Only you know what is best for you!
With utmost certainty, I never endorse any form of overstepping, abuse, or bullying towards women, or anyone or anything. If needed get help for yourself and for others. You deserve only the best and so does everyone else.
Be kind. Be smart. Be helpful. Be real. Be a good person!
What it Means To BE a Woman
And Yes, Women do Poop!
By Jacqueline Pirtle
Women, are you ready to BE and live your YOU?
In this practical and exciting book, Jacqueline Pirtle – a female powerhouse – presents unique and easy ways for women to align with their powerful purpose, truth, and their natural zest for life.
Jacqueline believes that you already have it all in you; wisdom, strength, power, and so much more––and that through realizing the monumental female-force that you ARE, you will lead a life that is precisely custom made to fit what you came here to BE and experience.
Reading What it Means To BE a Woman will clarify:
- The difference in female energy versus masculine energy––and how to utilize it to your advantage
- Whether it matters that you are a woman––and helps you find your unique reasons
- What your purpose in this physical life is––and teaches you how to keep it up-to-date
- How to shift into female bliss––it’s easier than you think
- Important loose ends like; where your power lays, how to turn from victim to warrior, what your traumas highlight, how to say “no,” authenticity, LGBTQ and some sex-sense, decisions, compassion and empathy
- How to solve problems like; feeling belittled, powerless, and taken advantage of, and if your voice is not heard
This book touches you in your heart––a space where your guards and hair are down; the dress or pants, high heels or tennies, and make-up is off; where rawness, honesty, and vulnerability open the gate for every woman to be her “everyday woman” with an “everyday girl” inside, and where you are not afraid to shed a tear. Where, instead, you are ready to feel, heal, and shift to your female power.
Jacqueline wrote these words in her purest rawness and honesty, and invites you to meet and connect with her in that truthfulness of femininity.
So, in her words, “Let us learn how to fly together and bathe in the delight of being free women and the real ‘hotness’ that we all are.”
Jacqueline Pirtle is giving away a print of her new book, What it means to BE a Woman! Enter below – USA only.
Here is what readers are saying about What it Means To BE a Woman:
★★★★★ “Author provided numerous examples in which each and every woman can reflect on her own life and become more empowered through self-understanding.” ~ The International Review of Books
★★★★★ “A fantastic outlook on how to BE a woman! Jacqueline outdone herself once again with her newest book.Her wisdom and relatable stories make me feel like my past, mistakes or traumas don’t define me.” ~ Verified Review on Amazon
★★★★★ “This was thought-provoking and I noted this to remember to apply in my daily life.” ~ Verified Review on Amazon
★★★★★ “This book is not sugar coating what it means to be a woman (on the title or anywhere else). It’s not all easy or glamorous and in this book, you will feel seen and heard because of the real and authentic voice of the author.” ~ Verified Review on Amazon
★★★★★ “If you want to know what it really means to be a women physically and energetically and not what society expects, this is the book you should be reading.” ~ Verified Review on Amazon
Let’s clear the air first because to me, clarity wins every single time! I was on the fence on whether to put that subtitle on the front of the book because in my head I was thinking “Really? Poop gets the front seat on my new book?” But after many sleepless nights and tossing and turning while at it…
Back in time, I overheard a conversation between young ladies, talking about young men who don’t think that women poop. Did I really believe that? Well, it did seem somewhat impossible that people would think the bodies of women don’t have that bodily function––but then again, who am I to say?
This got me thinking, that even if the “not knowing” of those young men might not be meant literally, it still is a stigma that such bodily functions are not lady-like––whereas men can talk and laugh about them loudly and freely and are even glorified as strong heroes when farting out loud or talking about monster-sized poops. Women, on the other hand, are quieted by zip your lips and do not mention them; that the pooping business was gross and an unspeakable thing for girls, yet ok for boys. This was a fact when I was growing up, and it seems that to this day it is still a gigantic elephant in the room for some––all because it was, and still is, existing as those old beliefs in society.
For me, having had children of my own, taught me to loosen up and shift my old imprinted grossness-thoughts around to a new, normal, and healthy, “poop is phenomenal” belief––creating a wonderful resistance-free and very healthy environment for me to BE, live in, and experience with my children. So thanks, kids, for helping me with that! My whole being, especially my physical body, is very happy that way.
That was enough of a reason – without further investigating the truth of the beliefs of those young men – to give this subtitle a front seat and make it very visible on my book. My thought was that even if someone does not pick up my book, just seeing the cover can be the needed reminder, eye-opener, or thought-inspiration, starring them straight in the eye that:
- Women do go number two––poop
- It is natural, normal, and healthy that women poop
- Women do have all these body functions that are not always considered to be of a “pretty, beautiful, and gracious” nature by society
- We can talk about all body functions normally
In truth, pooping is very pretty, incredibly beautiful, and infinitely gracious––it keeps you pretty healthy, beautifully slim, and graciously smooth moving. Plus, have you ever looked at poop close-up? Pretty impressive stuff!
I want to make this truth very public, and bury all untruths about this subject to be cleared forever––it’s very important to me!
This is a great reminder for all women, young and old, for every parent to a female, and for all men in the whole world, that women are not here in this physical life to impress or bless anyone besides themselves with prettiness, beauty, and graciousness––especially not through the fabricated old-style expectation of not having these body functions just because they don’t hold up the honor medal of “female beauty.”
And for giggles, since poop is in fact included in the package deal of what a woman is and in truth is very pretty, beautiful, and gracious – as we covered above – you would not want to expect women to impress and bless you with all their beauty, because that could get crappy really fast––not the pretty picture that some expect it to be.
It is also a reality check for all women who are not in love with their body functions that pooping, farting, burping, sweating like a dog, and stinking, is in fact normal and has to happen in order for your physical body to be healthy and exist––so that you get to experience this physical life in the good company of your thriving body.
My hopes are that this subtitle brings forth a stop to any humiliation from body functions, by reminding the world to let go of any false shame that is put on women and humanity as a whole––besides creating giggles for those who already knew that secret, and as a sassy eye-catcher for people to pick up my book.
I really hope that you share this chapter with all women––be it your daughter, your friend, or a stranger that you see struggling with realizing the prettiness, beauty, and graciousness of her body functions.
I also really hope that you share it with all of the men in your life; husbands, sons, and sons of mom-friends. It can literally change the understanding and the treatment of all women in the world––creating an unstoppable uplift in the experience of relationships between all women and men.
Plus don’t forget… Think about the well-deserved respect poop gets from you talking freely and normally about it. And by all means, if you must, go freely about your body noises. I know of quite a few ladies who swear up and down that it is freeing for them to fart and burp as it comes, not to mention the giggles it initiates––and with common sense, you should be safe doing so.
Now that the awkwardness has left the book, let’s dive deep into more intimate topics together.
Be kind. Be smart. Be helpful. Be real. Be a good person!
About the Author:
Jacqueline Pirtle, aka FreakyHealer, is a holistic practitioner, speaker, and the bestselling author of 365 Days of Happiness, Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops, and What it Means To BE a Woman.
Her passion for mindful happiness shines through in all areas of her life and work, helping clients to shift into a high-for-life frequency––a unique experience that calls people into their highest potential in their NOW!
Jacqueline has appeared on Women Inspired TV, been featured in online and print magazines, and interviewed on podcasts and radio shows. Her professional background is in holistic living, red wine, and dark chocolate tasting.
You can find out more about her teachings at freakyhealer.com, see what she is up to next on her social media @freakyhealer––her podcast, The Daily Freak, is available on all major platforms.
Let’s – together – play in this light-field!
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I think that it sounds like a fun title.
Agreed, Jennifer!
I am going to buy a copy for my sister .
Good idea, Tony!
Because I love reading!
Agreed, Edye!