Hit and Run blog tour

Posted August 17, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Interview with Author Lori Matthews


Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.

Jason Bourne with a side of hot romance.


Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?

So, I’m going to let you in on a secret. I do not control my characters. They control themselves and sometimes, me. I would love to be one of those authors who can plan a book from start to finish with detailed notes on every chapter. I’m just not.

I did try and outline a whole book once. When I had finished creating the outline, I had no interest in writing the book. I knew what was going to happen. It became tedious to me.

Hit and Run was a book where the characters were in control. I had some ideas about where I wanted to set the story and how I wanted it to begin. Gage and Dani said, ‘no.’ Seriously.

I originally started the story in Sweden. I had the first few chapters written and then silence. My characters wouldn’t talk to me. When that happens, I know I am on the wrong track. I sat and thought about it for a while, and then I stopped thinking about it. About two weeks later, I sat down and started the story again. In Alaska. I have no clue why, but that’s what happened.

There’s a scene in the first couple of chapters where Gage is pacing around Dani’s cottage. That’s what I was doing in real life. I now have my characters trapped in an Alaskan town with the baddies, and a significant storm is moving in. How were they going to get out? I thought I had written myself into a corner from the very beginning. I was clueless until a random idea popped into my head. You’ll see what it is when you read the book, but it’s not exactly your ordinary speedy getaway.

If that sounds crazy, well welcome to my world. My husband tells me all the time; my mind is a scary place. He’s not wrong.



What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?

I once entered a writing contest where a judge told me my 1st chapter was incredibly poorly written with nothing redeemable about it. She went on to say she didn’t even know why I bothered to even try writing.

In that same contest, the other judge said she loved my entry. She gave it very high marks, and she wanted me to contact her when the book came out so she could read the rest of it.

It was a lesson in realizing just how subjective the act of writing and reading a book can be. The book in question went on to win several major awards.


Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?

I want people to get joy from reading my books and be entertained by them. I write because I enjoy the process. I want people to share in that joy. I want to provide a few hours of escapism that allows people to take a break from their daily lives. If reading my books has amused or delighted them, then my goal has been accomplished.


Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Learn your craft. Study, take classes, go to conferences, do it all because you are going to need finely honed skills to create the best story. Books are magical. They take the reader to new worlds. In order to become a talented magician, you need to learn the nuances of your craft. It’s not just about the plot and characters. It’s how you fit them together. That takes practice and patience. Be patient with yourself and others. This is not a fast industry in so many ways. Take the time to learn your craft properly. I am still learning all the time.


Title:  Hit and Run: A Thrilling Novel of Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security series Book 3)

Author: Lori Matthews

Blurb: Gage Callahan knew his latest assignment with Callahan Security was going to be a disaster. He traipsed around Europe to locate the computer programmer he was hired to protect only to discover she’s actually a hacker hiding in Alaska. Tensions mount when she narrowly escapes becoming roadkill as a vicious organization comes after her. It will take all his ingenuity to rush her to safety, especially when Gage’s primary objective…get her and the prototype to New York…becomes secondary to protecting his heart from a fatal attraction to the spunky woman.

Dani Pierce is used to working on the dark web but now she is truly scared because deadly trouble has arrived at her front door. The self-reliant hacker knows she’ll need help to survive her contract to build facial recognition software. The aggravating yet handsome man hired to protect her makes it clear he detests her, but that doesn’t stop her from developing feelings for him.

It soon becomes apparent to Gage that Dani’s in deeper than she’ll admit but her answers don’t explain why the deadly gang after her is always one step ahead. It will take his military skills and her hacking know-how to save not only their butts, but the budding love they’ve discovered in the midst of danger.


Other buy links:

B & N:   https://bit.ly/2Ckv8r0

Kobo:    https://bit.ly/38MjPUl


About the Author

Lori Matthews grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada, in a house filled with books and readers. Some of her fondest memories are reading in the same room with her mother and sisters, arguing about whose turn it was to make tea. No one wanted to put their book down!

She was introduced to different genres because of her parents’ habit of leaving books all over the house. Her mother read romance, and her father read thrillers.

After two degrees, a career as a librarian, a husband, and two kids, she attended a workshop in Tuscany that lit that spark for writing again. She’s been pounding the keyboard ever since.

Lori writes what she calls romantic thrillers as she’s a genuine product of her upbringing.  She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, a crazy dog, and a cranky cat.


You can find Lori online at:
FB facebook.com/LoriMatthewsBooks
Twitter: @_LoriMatthews_
Instagram: Lorimatthewsbooks

send her an email at hello@lorimatthewsbooks.com

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Posted August 17, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
