Time is a Fine White Lie Audiobook Blog Tour

Posted October 20, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment

Author: William Steffey

Narrators: Greg Chun, Andrew Weiss, Aaron Goodson, Abby Trott, Karen Strassman, Kathleen France, P.J. Ochlan, Ritesh Rajan, Todd Haberkorn

Length: 1 hours 20 minutes

Publisher: Aquariphone, LLC.

Released: Sep. 22, 2020

Genre: Magical Realism

An Australian shamaness traveling in the body of a Chicago bartender leads to a surreal rendezvous with a presumed-dead rock star. An OkCupid encounter turns into blissful madness when souls connect over a national tragedy. A bloody accident at a city bus stop gives way to an absurdly rewarding feast.

This collection of seven short stories poses the question: What phenomena are occurring under our nose, right now, that appear completely random but are consistent and solid periodic events we simply lack the scope to see, the comprehension to grasp, or the vocabulary to name? Time is a Fine White Lie may be the closest thing we have to a traveler’s journal from that latent, ephemeral possibility—at once a tribute, warning, antidote, and gateway—to that which we take for granted.


William Steffey has been scribbling in colorful notebooks and making music on any instrument he can find since his early teens. After brief spasms of higher education in Iowa City and Chicago, he doubled down on the art life and released a string of twelve albums in the ‘sophistipop’ style. Press reviews are voluminous and wildly polarized, while the music enjoys airplay on hundreds of radio stations worldwide.

William has kept an online journal since the late 20th century, filling the glowing screen with post-modern musings, dreamscapes, and short stories that encompass both. This year, the pandemic gave him the opportunity to compile his favorite written works and publish Time is a Fine White Lie.

Following the sage advice of his wife Maux, William embarked on the challenge of producing the audiobook version. He reached out to high-school bandmate Greg Chun—now a voiceover artist in Los Angeles—who corralled an impressive array of actors to read each of the seven chapters in the book.

The stories draw largely on William’s experiences with bipolar disorder, and often tease out the mythological archetypes that would routinely emerge throughout his adventures.

Falling smack dab in the middle of a Venn diagram with Haruki Murakami and Joseph Campbell at the poles, Time is a Fine White Lie may be the closest thing we have to a traveler’s journal from that latent, ephemeral possibility—at once a tribute, warning, antidote, and gateway—to that which we take for granted.



Tell us about the process of turning your book into an audiobook.
Soon after my e-book became available, my wife encouraged me to produce an audiobook version. She’s a frequent listener of the format, and insisted that I not read my own material. I began by looking for narrators on Voices.com and that’s how I discovered the talents of Aaron Goodson who voices the introduction, and Kathleen France who voices the story Orange Light.

I then reached out to my friend Greg Chun, a voice artist out in Los Angeles who has narrated several audiobooks and is also well-known for his character roles in various video games. He gave a brilliant read of my story The Transponder, and encouraged me to ‘go union’ with the project. After that, he was able to loop in some of his friends who are also pros in the field. I coordinated with SAG/AFTRA, and soon had my roster filled with some of the best voices in the business. I find it difficult to put my gratitude into words.

How closely did you work with your narrators before and during the recording process? Did you give them any pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters?
I set up each story as a Google Doc for my narrators, and left comments on the side to provide background info on the background of the characters and the vibe of the stories.

My favorite note was about the character Aditya from the story “Bullets”. Aditya here is the 2020 incarnation of the son of the Hindu goddess Aditi, who holds up the sky, sustains all existence and nourishes the earth. Aditya is cool, calm, and collected, and rejects the temporal satisfaction, sensory pleasures, and dizzying stimuli in the dive bar where the story takes place. He’s rewarded for his efforts by the literal, healthy nourishment he receives at the end of the story.

Were there any real life inspirations behind your writing?
Many! Where do I begin? There’s only one work of pure fiction in the whole collection, and that’s the story Banged Up, which has its roots in social commentary more than anything else. All the other pieces are based on my direct experience.

Two of the stories start with factual scenarios, then drift into dreamlike worlds. Goodbye Cassiopeia begins with recounting the day I discovered my mother’s dead body, then floats into an abstract world of synchronicity and coincidence. The story 96% Match begins with the retelling of my first OK Cupid date with my now-wife, and later transmutes into an allegorical crime thriller dealing with relationships and bonding.

Then we’ve got a story like The Transponder, which offers some of the most far-fetched storylines in the book. Ironically, the surreal scenes here actually happened, albeit in my manic mind during a bi-polar fugue state. Not to sell psychosis short by any means, though! The stories are steeped in archetypes and metaphor that would make C.G. Jung and Joseph Campbell proud.

Is there a particular part of this story that you feel is more resonating in the audiobook performance than in the book format?
All of it! The ensemble cast brings out the anthology feel of the audiobook. In the written version, it might feel like there is one person telling all the stories. In the audiobook, as each story is voiced by a different actor, it feels like these are the stories of many different people, and I like that a lot.

If you had the power to time travel, would you use it? If yes, when and where would you go?
While it takes discipline and practice to experience it, I think there’s no more interesting place than here and time than now.

I used to have a recurring daydream in which I’d fantasize about the amazing tastes, colors, and textures of foods that might exist on planets in other parts of the universe. A few years ago, after I began to cook for myself more often, I began to appreciate all those aspects of food right here in my neighborhood, and in my city- not to mention the rest of this planet we call home. All of these qualities that I’d never given myself a chance to fully experience before. I think in many ways, this daydream of other-worldly cuisine was a metaphor. I sensed the real world outside of me that I was disconnected from. Since I didn’t understand this on a conscious level, the closest my mind could get was a fantasy about another world. In reality, that world was this one, that I am thankfully more in touch with every day.

What do you say to those who view listening to audiobooks as “cheating” or as inferior to “real reading”?
Absolutely not cheating. Reading a book and listening to an audiobook are two totally different experiences. The first audiobook I remember listening to was John Kennedy Toole’s Confederacy of Dunces, narrated by Barrett Whitener. Whitener did such a wonderful job voicing the diverse array of zany New Orleans characters that the experience became more like a movie than simply words on a page. The audiobook format makes it easy to consume great material when reading is impossible, such as during a long drive, or while taking a walk around the neighborhood. Not to mention the accessibility it lends to folks who are visually, or otherwise impaired.

Have any of your characters ever appeared in your dreams?
I have vivid ‘recollections’ of a few fictional scenes from the book. There must be something significant in the subtext for them to appear in my mind this way- almost in the same capacity a memory might: Dulce on the dock, Kurt in the field, the boy in the red convertible.
Or perhaps is it these interactions really did take place… but in an alternate dimension?

What bits of advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Write! Don’t concern yourself with external successes, they’re superficial and fleeting. I find the greatest reward is in the self-discovery the writing brings. And that old saying “Write what you know” sticks around for a reason. It’s the best advice ever. Even if you find your subjects to be pedestrian, you will invariably bring a perspective and framework to the content that only you can.

Another concept I’ve found helpful is the idea of the “shitty first draft”. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good! Write without worrying about content or structure. Get your ideas down any way you can, and deal with getting them into shape later.

Do you have any tips for authors going through the process of turning their books into audiobooks?
Thanks to the internet, there are hundreds of tools at your disposal for putting together an audiobook. If you’ go through ACX (Amazon’s service), they’ll walk you through the whole process. If you go indie, you can easily find great readers (union and non-union alike) on Voices.com. As far as putting all the audio together, there are skilled engineers on fivrr.com you can hire at rates that won’t break the bank. Lastly, you’ve got great people like Jess the Audiobookworm who can help you find your audience through reviews on blogs and similar outlets.

What’s next for you?
All of the stories in Time is a Fine White Lie were written on a kind of auto-pilot. I think my next book will be more purposeful, with general themes established before pen hits notebook. I want to combine my mental health experiences with my knowledge of myth, metaphor, and archetype in a meaningful manner to shed light on peoples’ own journeys. I’d like to provide that bit of string to help folks out of their own mazes, which are as individual as the self on the surface, but are thematically universal at the core.

Author William Steffey’s Reasons to be an audiobook listener

10. An audiobook with great narration will whisk you away to other worlds. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your old futon, although the audiobook may inspire you to!

9. Audiobooks can help you gain perspective by hearing stories from others with vastly different backgrounds. On the other hand, audiobooks can also serve as ‘comfort food’ for those moments when you… just… can’t.

8. You’re on a long drive from way out there to over here. Radio stations are few and far between, and Sirius XM just keeps you in the same echo chamber of tired bands. Fire up an audiobook and make the journey in style. Guaranteed.

7. Have a schizophrenic break, and project your inner psyche onto whatever words happen to be coming out of your earbuds. Become ruler of the universe for just a couple ‘a bucks!

6. You have to read a particular book for school, and let’s face it: that can be a bummer. Stay at the top of your class by using your smartphone to impart the wisdom directly to your auditory cortex.

5. Audiobooks- and literature as a whole- can provide entertainment, escape, or deep spiritual sustenance. Apply as needed.

4. The three words in chapter one at 4 minutes and fifty-five seconds.

3. You’d like to take a vacation, but you’re cash-strapped because of last month’s plumbing emergency. Pick up a title read by your favorite narrator, and let their dulcet tones wash you away.

2. Books are bulky and heavy, and you can only carry 2 or 3 at a time. Audiobooks? Not an issue.

1. Do the dishes while getting cultured at the same time… Who could say no??


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Posted October 20, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment


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