We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

The cover is pretty generic looking, and if you look at the details it begins to deteriorate. But at first glance, it is an intriguing cover.
I like the font. It appears all the text is using the same font, but it is nice and easy to read, blocky and clean. I also like the grey color of the font. Works well with the moon and her hair.
The cityscape and moon just look awkward. The city image appears in poor quality, but the moon is crisp and bright. The sparkles? Seem kinda weird too. I do kinda like the lasso of light around the girl.
The girl, I love her silver hair. I like how long and flowy it looks. The girl herself though isn’t working right. Her posture, the mostly blurred body except the dagger in her hand is over sharp.
So an eye-catching cover but not well-made. But the premise sounded interesting and it got me to read that – and grab the freebie.
My first instinct is to say this cover is too busy and my eye does not know where to focus. It’s like three different cover ideas, all smushed together.
I do appreciate how that the font is all the same color and easy to read. And that it matches the girl’s hair.
I do like the lasso of light. That’s pretty neat.
The dagger looks like it’s about to cut off her other hand. That’s some weird placement for a weapon.
Overall, this looks like yet another Urban Fantasy. And one that I’ll pass on.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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