Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! Tour #LoneStarLit

Posted November 20, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 2 Comments

Mia and Nattie: One Great Team!

Marlene M. Bell
Genre: Children’s Picture Book (K-3rd Grade) / Farm Animals
Publisher: Ewephoric Publishing
Date of Publication: October 4, 2020
Number of Pages: 34 pages
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Nattie’s mouth was a little crooked. Her legs were a bit shorter than usual, and one horn was too straight, like a unicorn’s horn.

But Mia thought Nattie was perfect.

On a visit to her grandma’s farm, eight-year-old Mia discovers a newborn, orphaned lamb outside in the cold and takes her to the laundry room, naming her Nattie. As she tries to nurse the lamb back to health, Mia discovers that Nattie is different from the other lambs and struggles to fit in with them like Mia does with other kids her age.

When her grandmother says she will sell Nattie to a neighbor, Mia must come up with a plan to keep her friend around — one that will show the family just how special Nattie truly is.



*I was provided a copy of this book as part of this tour*

If you’re looking for a sweet book that teaches kids that their voice matters, that their perseverance pays off, and the power of love and friendship, this one is it!

Mia and Nattie is a great story about a young girl and a lamb on the farm. This little lamb is a little unusual, and Grandma doesn’t think she belongs on the farm. The lamb has a crooked horn and is a bit of a runt. Nattie may not be able to live with the rest of the flock or raise babies of her own. But Mia is a small girl too. She knows Nattie the lamb is special, and Mia sets out to prove it.

Mia uses her determination and grit to show herself and everyone around how one small person (or animal) can make a huge difference in their world.

While I don’t know too much about farm life, I do understand that there are tasks everywhere, mouths to feed, and work to do around the clock. Busy farmers certainly focus on keeping only the healthiest and strongest animals to keep the farm running smoothly. So what makes this book even more special, is it focuses on the animals with more disadvantages and those less likely to thrive in a farm environment.

During hard times, it is not easy to stay motivated and positive. Books like Mia and Nattie are so vital to read to our children right now, and always, really. Instilling a growth mindset in the littles is priceless, and is such a valuable lesson to learn early. What better way to teach perseverance than by reading a fun and happy story.

Here’s a quote:

“Well, look at that.” Grandma pointed to the pair.
Nattie and the older ewe jumped and pranced about.
“I knew she would help.” Mia lifted her shoulders, feeling ten feet all.

Mia and Nattie is also a great story to read to differently-abled kids, empowering kids of all abilities to keep trying, and not to give up on their dreams or goals.

The illustrations are lovely, too. Sweet doodles about farm life and depicting our friendly and unusual little sheep Nattie. The drawings are realistic and whimsical, which brings Nattie’s fun quirks to life. The illustrations pair nicely with the storytelling.

I love that this book is based on a true story from the author’s experience with a special sheep on her farm. It really helps connect with the story more, knowing there really was a special sheep who touched the author’s heart and overcame her own obstacles to have an important role in their lives.

This is a great book for a read-aloud with younger kids or a read-along with older kids.

MARLENE M. BELL is an award-winning writer, artist, and crazy sheep lady who resides in beautiful East Texas. Her renown sheep photographs grace the covers of many livestock magazines where she also writes newsy articles about raising sheep from her hands-on experience.
Based on true events from the Bell’s ranch, Marlene offers the first of her children’s picture books, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! It’s a touching story of compassion and love between a little girl and her lamb. Marlene is also the author of the award-winning Annalisse international mystery series, with the third book, Calico Raven to be released in 2021.

Marlene shares her life with her husband and dreadfully spoiled horned Dorset sheep: a large Maremma guard dog named Tia, and cats, Hollywood, Leo, and Squeaks. The cats believe they rule the household—and do.

Signed copy of Mia and Nattie, Nattie Plush, Nattie Mousepad, and a Nattie pendant
2ND PRIZE (US only): Signed copy of Mia and Nattie
3RD PRIZE (US only): Signed copy of Mia and Nattie
Giveaway ends at midnight, CST, 11/25/2020

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Posted November 20, 2020 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 2 Comments


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