Chat About Covers: Secret Santa

Posted December 10, 2020 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments



We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.


Julie Review Avatar

Holiday cover time~

Oh wow this one. Total ouch on the eyes. I mean red and green overload for real. And yet, it almost looks like a dull kind of faded poor quality image was redded and greened too much.

I want to know what the mug says and can’t quite make it out. Does it say Phantom of the Opera? Is that relevant here?

I do like some of the elements of the cover. The unwrapped present, the hiding evil scary thing inside. Definitely curious what that evil gift that keeps on giving is going to be.

The font for the title is cool, blocky but kinda curved. I do like that. The tag line is great. I actually really like the shade of that green. Matches well without being overload.

The typewriter is an interesting piece to put the book in historical context. It is definitely not set in current days.

Am a bit confused about the false vampire teeth hanging out on the table. Relevance for Christmas?


Lynnpic avatar
We were looking for a special ‘holiday’ cover to discuss this month. And I think we chose well. Can you get any better than creepy and evil-looking eyes coming at you from inside a present?

The cover certainly evokes the ’80s vibe described in the blurb, with the typewriter, the Phantom of the Opera mug, and the Gremlin shaped eyes.

I like the tag line of “The Gift That Keeps On Giving…”. It keeps with that holiday/horror vibe.

The fonts are easy to read and the colors work well together.

Overall, I’d say this cover works. Especially if you are looking for a holiday-themed horror. I’m passing, though, as I am not into horror!




What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted December 10, 2020 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments
