Justified Burden by Lori Matthews Tour and Guest Post

Posted December 21, 2020 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Guest Post: Five Writing Tips by Lori Matthews 

5 writing tips from author Lori Matthews 

Every writer has a different process, and no two are exactly the same. It took me a while to discern the strategy that works for me, and in truth, my process changes continuously. I hope these tips help or at least provide an entertaining window into how this author’s brain works.


Tip #1 – Plan


I am a Pantser. I wish (Oh, how I wish!!!) I was more of a Plotter, but I can’t get my brain to function that way. So, this tip is more of a do as I say, not as I do type of thing. Plotting out the story arc makes writing your story more manageable. You always know where you’re going. Some people plot by chapter and others organize by scene. I am unable to do either. I have three or four points I want to hit in the story, which is the extent of my planning. I did plot out an entire book once, but I couldn’t stick to my plan once my fingers hit the keyboard.


Tip#2 – Feel Free to Make Changes to Your Plan


There is a blue sticky note on my computer screen that says, ‘And then aliens came down.’ It reminds me that I am in control of what happens in my story. You would think that’s obvious, but once you develop your plan and start writing, you sometimes become stuck in a certain mindset. Remember, you can write whatever you like if you can do it convincingly, and it adds to your story. Don’t become bogged down by what your outline says. As you get to know your characters and your story, sometimes things turn out differently than you planned. Trust your gut and go with it.

Tip#3 – Know Your Characters Before You Start


If I start the story before I know my characters well, I am doomed to have to go back, and rewrite a fair amount of it later. However, if I start by filling out forms from a dating site for my characters, then I have a much better sense of who they are, and writing is much easier. Their voices are clear in my head. Find a way to know your characters well before you start. It will save you a lot of time.


Tip#4 – Write What You Read


As a writer, you need to be familiar with the rules and expectations of the genre you are writing, even if it’s only so you can break them. Knowing who your audience is and what they expect from your story is half the battle. If you read many books in your genre, you know what your story’s framework will be, which is monumental. No one is reinventing the wheel. Every author is just putting their spin on an old framework.


Tip#5 – Don’t Be Afraid


I cannot tell you the number of writers I’ve met who are terrified of having anyone read their work. Do Not Be Afraid! I cannot stress this enough. If you’ve put in all the time and effort to write a book, do not let fear stop you. What is the worst thing that can happen? Someone doesn’t like your work. I have news for you. There will always be someone who will not like what you write but, the opposite is just as true. There is a reader for every book. I firmly believe this. Writing can be daunting, and the fruits of your labors will always be judged subjectively. Understand that you accomplished a momentous thing by completing a manuscript. Someone out in the world is ready and waiting to read your work. I promise.



Title: Justified Burden

Subtitle: Brotherhood Protector Series

Author: Lori Matthews

Genre: F; romantic suspense

Pages: 120

Publisher: Twisted Pages Press

Pub Date: 11/16/2020

ISBN: 978-1626953413

Formats: paper, eBook


Security Specialist Rhys Bennett hunkers down in Canyon Springs to mend after being shot on his last assignment. He’s almost back to 100% when Scarlett Jones arrives in search of a fresh start after a devastating tragedy.


After things go haywire on the job site of the Wellness Retreat at Canyon Springs, Scarlett’s latest design project, Rhys volunteers to protect her, figuring it’ll be an easy gig. He couldn’t be more wrong….


When the novella opens, Rhys’s wound has healed, and it’s almost time for him to go back to work, but he’s worried. The sixth sense that’s kept him alive so far is MIA.

Scarlett is desperate for her design business to be successful. But when things keep going wrong on her latest remodel, panic sets in. Is someone sabotaging the worksite on purpose or is it all in her head?

That question is put to rest when a body is discovered and the mystery surrounding Scarlett turns potentially deadly. Will Rhys be up to the task of keeping Scarlett safe or will the killer get away with murder twice?

This is Lori Matthews’s second book for the Brotherhood Protector Series. Her first, Justified Misfortune, was published in September 2020. Each novella can be read as a standalone, but readers of Justified Misfortune will love getting to see more of Sunny Travers, Scarlett’s boss, in the new release.

Lori Matthews gravitated toward reading because of her parents’ habit of leaving books all over the house. Her father loved thrillers and her mother loved romance. Lori combines the two and writes romantic suspense. Her work has won or been a finalist more than a dozen times and she was won three Daphne awards for her Callahan Security series, which includes the novels Break and EnterSmash and Grab, and Hit and Run.

For more information: https://lorimatthewsbooks.com/


About the Author Lori Matthews

“Swoon worthy.”
“Jaw dropping.”
“Keep you on the edge of your seat.”

Lori Matthews loves books. As an award willing author, she loves nothing more than creating a story that starts with a bang and keeps going with plenty of action, and a side of hot romance.

She grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada, in a house filled with books and readers. Some of her fondest memories are of reading in the same room with her mother and sisters, arguing about whose turn it was to make tea. No one wanted to put their book down!

She was introduced to different genres because of her parents’ habit of leaving books all over the house. Her mother read romance and her father read thrillers.

After two degrees, a career as a librarian, a husband and two kids, she attended a workshop in Tuscany that lit that spark for writing again. She’s been pounding the keyboard ever since.
Lori writes what she calls romantic thrillers as she’s a true product of her upbringing!

Lori’s work has won or been a finalist more than a dozen times in various contests and she was three-time Kiss of Death Daphne winner for her Callahan Security series.

She lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, a crazy dog, and a cranky cat.

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Posted December 21, 2020 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 0 Comments
