Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma Virtual Book Tour #indestructible

Posted June 22, 2021 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

The Memoir That Will Disrupt Society’s Perspective On Trauma    

Instead of wincing from pain, readers will be empowered in recognizing the hidden gifts of trauma


Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma by Krista Nerestant

Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma is a child survivor’s shocking narrative expertly woven through the perspective of the adult self, who is ultimately healed. This is the fascinating personal story of a traumatized overachiever bound by the cultural and societal limitations of her home country, who endures multiple traumas as a child in the Philippines and as a young immigrant in the United States.


In this unique inspirational and teaching memoir, Krista weaves the past and the present seamlessly to incite many emotions—hurt, love, joy, excitement, empowerment, etc. She transforms each trauma into gifts—courage, resilience, forgiveness, and more—succeeding and healing throughout her journey, leading her to become a trauma coach and inspirational leader to her community.


In Indestructible, she shares how she learned to extract life-healing lessons while overcoming a violent past, with the hope of inspiring and teaching survivors to approach personal wounds as a gateway to unleashing their own self-actualization. Crossing over spirituality and self-help genres, Indestructible disrupts society’s chosen perspective on trauma. Instead of wincing from the pain, readers will be empowered in recognizing the gifts it will present.


Krista’s story will stimulate readers mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually―but most of all, it will lead them to start their own journey of self-discovery and uncover their very own hidden gifts of trauma.



Krista Nerestant Author Q&A

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Or what first inspired you to write?

I remember trying to write my first book in 7th grade! But life got in the way, although I continued to be an avid reader into my adult life. The writing bug bit me once again when I came out of the spiritual closet in 2016. I was inspired then to share my story of resilience and overcoming multiple severe traumas with the public.

Where/When do you best like to write?

I like to write in cafes with soft acoustic music or Andrea Bocelli. “When” is more about when the need to write grabs on and won’t let go.

What do you think makes a good story?

When the writer invokes the narrative honoring their vision while others can also visualize and empathize with it as if they understand the story as they’ve experienced it themselves.

What inspired your story?

I was inspired by my need to practice what I preach as a facilitator at I am like a broken record in repeating the mantra of SELF-accountability, responsibility, and awareness. The need for championing trauma survivors who are living on survival mode and encouraging them to survive rather than just thrive. Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma encourages and teaches individuals to use their personal power to live their best life in all levels–mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?

It was the most therapeutic experience. I laughed, cried, angered, and certainly squirmed in re-living the past but it healed me and allowed me to gain an objective perspective to extract life healing lessons to share with the community.

What’s the best writing advice you have ever received?

Your first draft is your vomit draft, so vomit away and don’t let perfectionism get in the way of finishing your first draft.

If your book was turned into a movie, who would you like to play the main characters?

My hope and wish is for Indestructible to become a film so that it may help Asian representation in the entertainment industry just like Crazy Rich Asians. Jon Jon Briones would play my father definitely. I would love Gemma Chan to play me as an adult and Lana Condor as my child self. Awkafina as Toni, and I honestly don’t know for my mother and brothers.


About the Author

Krista Nerestant is a practicing life coach, educated and certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and The Satir Method of Transformational Systemic Therapy to heal family dynamics and trauma, and an advocate for women and children. She hosts a podcast, Self-Care Tuesdays, that is dedicated to encouraging, empowering and elevating the journey of self-care. She’s teaching women it’s OK to be “Self-ish”!

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Posted June 22, 2021 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
