Cursed Swords Logbook: An interactive book designed to make reading more fun.
A full-color graphic novel that follows the journal perspective of a pirate in a mythical world.
“We are bound by our choices despite our hindsight…”
We live in an age where screens are the primary medium and Cursed Swords is an alternative reading experience that brings pages to life through sight, touch, and even smell. The book is a half graphic novel and half novel and the reader follows the long-lost journal of a pirate in a mythical world trying to build a better future. Each unit is handmade to provide readers with an authentic, exclusive journey—while offering unique collectible quality.
Author Interview
At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?
When I was 15 I decided I wanted to be a writer. So I read scripts and books and taught myself as best I could. I worked a few talent management jobs in Hollywood and got a glimpse of a world I didn’t want to be a part of so I left to pursue some other work. I then built the company Entertainment Concierge ( the company took off and was doing amazing until covid. It was doing so well that in 2017 I started writing The Cursed Swords Logbook. With the writing & art process as well as the physical book designing I knew my vision of Cursed Swords was going to take time. I then started producing art for Instagram for fun because my soul was calling for me to do something beyond selling tickets to the wealthy. That is when I created @leraffejames. 4 months into Leraffe James it became an internet sensation for a few weeks. It has since died down but still maintains a large following today. When covid happened my event concierge business collapsed but I never stopped pushing Cursed Swords forward and at the beginning of 2021 I finally was able to self publish the book. I most recently became an NFT producer at my cousin’s content company, producing animated NFTs for The Golden State Warriors, Preakness Stakes, and Tfue.
What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
I write it down for later use and finish the priority works. I am usually working on several projects at once because of the pace of the art.
Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?
My creative process for writing Cursed Swords is very much attached to whatever I’m going through emotionally. The book is written from the journal perspective of the protagonist, Captain Rhodes, so a lot of the entries include his internal dialogue. That internal dialogue relates to a lot of my feelings about the world and my daily battles. He is the pirate hyperbole of someone fighting to better his situation and not stay comfortable in the way things were previously established by his predecessors.
What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
I really enjoy the Star Wars Darth Bane series by Drew Karpachian. If you like Star Wars this is the origin story of THE DARK SIDE!
What have you found to be most challenging about writing graphic novels?
The art direction is always challenging because I have to get the images out of my head and into my illustrator’s mind. However, over time we’ve gotten better and are a great team.
Describe the book in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
A group of young commoners become pirates to better their lives.
Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?
The goal is always to fight for the future. Everyone is on a clock but it’s ok to be patient. Rhodes constantly has to learn to be patient or things will not go as planned. Learning when to stay put and when to advance are keys in battle.
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?
The best advice is always the same. Just chase your dream by doing it. Don’t wait for someone to give you an opportunity. If I waited for someone to fund this book for me I’d still be dreaming. I had to go work another job so I could make this happen.
What is your favorite line from your book?
Rhodes confronts the villain of the book and says “I dream of dying, again and again, and I always wake up alive the next day. Death doesn’t scare me anymore. Why not try to change the world before death catches me for good?
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
The book has fallout chapters written from different characters’ perspectives. They are from characters that our captain has killed or defeated. He rips any pages from their journals out and ties them into his own journal. One of the interactive reading features of this book. The chapter I love most is the fall-out villain chapter from Governor Wagner Cisero.
Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How did you deal with it?
I do experience writer’s block all the time. I take a few days off usually and try to let my daily experiences inspire me to write for the characters.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Work on my other things. I am an animation producer and businessman so I’m always trying to find the next thing. Currently reading crypto news on the regular.
Cursed Swords Logbook by Maso Rich
Do you believe in destiny, that invincible and irresistible force that always appears to be pushing you towards a certain direction in life?
A predetermined future that you cannot escape, try as you might to head off in the opposite way or around it?
It is as if the gods have conspired against me and my men, my crew, my adopted family!
What did we do to deserve this cursed lot in life?
We were just born in the wrong place at the wrong time…
For his entire life, Rhodes was just a mere commoner on an island that had been forgotten and blocked off by the outside world with no explanation. A place where you’re at the whim of the governing powers and no sign of escape. Then one day, he lets Darkness control him, and he turns to the pirate life. Can he reach his world’s highest heights, despite his cursed beginnings?
The truth lies within his journal entries.
About the Author
Hey, I’m Maso Rich,
I aim to make my first book loaded with interactive experiences. Hints of history that provoke the senses. Feel, smell, listen and glance through an adventure like never before. The process of interactive reading will bring life to the story.
So get off your phone and read a book designed for you.
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