Creatrix Rising Book Blog Tour #LoneStarLit #CreatrixRising

Posted September 7, 2021 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 2 Comments

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By Stephanie Raffelock
Categories: Nonfiction / Self Help Memoir
Publisher: She Writes Press
Pub Date: August 24, 2021
Pages: 176 Pages
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From the author of the award-winning book A Delightful Little Book on Aging comes a new self-help memoir Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women. In her new book, Stephanie Raffelock liberates mold-defying midlife women, tired of the oft-inaccurate characterization of the “old crone,” to amplify the resounding strength within.

Ever since Eve was banned from the garden, women have endured the oftentimes painful and inaccurate definitions foisted upon them by the patriarchy. Maiden, mother, and crone, representing the three stages assigned to a woman’s life cycle, have been the limiting categories of both ancient and modern (neo-pagan) mythology. And one label in particular rankles: crone. The word conjures a wizened hag—useless for the most part, marginalized by appearance and ability.

None of us has ever truly fit the old-crone image, and for today’s midlife women, a new archetype is being birthed: the Creatrix.

In Creatrix Rising, Raffelock lays out—through personal stories and essays—the highlights of the past fifty years, in which women have gone from a quiet strength to a resounding voice. She invites us along on her own transformational journey by providing probing questions for reflection so that we can flesh out and bring to life this new archetype within ourselves. If what the Dalai Lama has predicted—that women will save the world—proves true, then the Creatrix will for certain be out front, leading the pack.


“The perfect topic at the perfect time, Stephanie Raffelock’s self-help memoir, Creatrix Rising, identifies a new archetype, the Creatrix, that transcends the old archetype of Crone. Her stories and insights about how far women have come is nothing short of inspirational. A must-read for any woman who wants to embrace the strength and creativity of midlife.” -Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul

“Poetic and philosophical, Creatrix Rising will inspire readers to claim the courage and confidence that already lives inside of them. An intimate story of transformation, of journeying through life on your own terms without apology.” Richard Blanco, 2013 Presidential Inaugural Poet and author of How to Love a Country
“The new archetype Stephanie Raffelock assigns to midlife women underscores the assets and wisdom older women bring to our culture and to the greater good. Creatrix Rising is an affirmation and celebration of the feminine story taking place in leadership and creativity throughout our country.” Gabby Reese, volleyball legend, Nike’s first female spokeswoman, and New York Times best-selling author
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Here I am, well into my late 30s, concerned about what my 40s might look like.  While that’s not midlife yet, time moves fast.
One of the things I first loved about this book was how the author redefines womanhood and age. We’re throwing out the old crone reference, with its connotation of dried up and useless old woman, and bringing out the new term for older woman: Creatrix. She’s creative, giving, kind, wise, open to reinvention. She’s on a journey to redefine and get to know herself again as she is changing.
She’s her own heroine, but also, she’s connected to the women who came before her. I enjoyed the stories of the author feeling connected with her ancestors, even those women who lived long before she was even born. How she felt the bond, the spirit of the Creatrix, passed through her family to the next woman. She shares that people touch our lives to teach us something, and if they don’t stay long, that’s ok. Let them go, feel that connection, and carry those memories and lessons.
Women find a way. We all have a herone who lives inside of us. We all have a story to tell. Telling our stories liberates us to love ourselves and command respect in the world.
The Creatrix inside is on a heroine’s journey to success and strength and launching a legacy. She’s run out of bashfulness and fear that might have held her back as a young woman. She now breaks through the fear to the celebration of growth on the other side. I enjoyed all the uplifting stories and gentle nudges to grow to reach the reader’s full potential – your full potential. My full potential.
As we grow into the Creatrix, we reach back to bring others with us. To be an older woman is a noble thing. Becoming an older woman holds the potential to witness one’s calling and purpose come to fruition.
The book is both a memoir and a guided journey through your own womanhood. Each chapter shares a piece of the author’s experiences, stories of women of past and present, sharing their teachings and joy. Then between each chapter (a chapter break, if you will) is a journaling prompt. A set of questions to take you on a tour of self-discovery, to discover the lessons in parallel to the stories you just read about. It’s not just a memoir. It’s not just a self-help book. It’s so much more – more connecting with others who you haven’t even met in person, more personal development, more understanding.
While growing older is unkind to our bodies and appearance, it makes room for more heart, more understanding, and more connection. It allows us to forgive our past, and to embrace our future. Because just like our bodies, time changes and life makes room for reinvention.
That’s what self-forgiveness does. It opens the door to grace. We cannot fully step into our power unless we can forgive ourselves for all sins, real and imagined. It’s not that we have to forget. Choices, even bad ones, teach us things about ourselves. Self-forgiveness gives us a path to move forward. Self-forgiveness opens the door to living life on our own terms.
I think the most important takeaway from reading Creatrix Rising is to approach life with a wider focus. Attack each obstacle like a wise and brilliant Creatrix, full of memories and support from your fellow women. Look within but also outside yourself for inspiration and experience. That even if you feel alone, you’re never really alone. You’ve always had the creatrix in your heart and mind.
Thanks to author Stephanie Raffelock and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing this opportunity to review Creatrix Rising. I received the novel free as part of this book tour.
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Stephanie Raffelock is the author of Creatrix Rising, Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women, (She Writes Press – August, 2021). She also penned the award winning book, A Delightful Little Book on Aging.

A graduate of Naropa University’s program in Writing and Poetics, Stephanie was a contributor to The Rogue Valley Messenger in Oregon. She has blogged for Nexus Magazine, Omaha Lifestyles,, as well as

A former i-Heart Radio host, she is now a popular guest on podcasts, where she inspires women to embrace the strength and passion of their personal story. Stephanie continues to build her speaker’s resume by giving presentations for groups like The Ashland Literary Arts Festival, Breaking the Glass, WINS at Charles Schwab and Southern Oregon University, Friends of the Hannon Library. Her commitment to uplift women extends to teaching personal development classes for incarcerated women and non-profits, including Dress for Success, Austin.

A recent transplant to Austin, Texas Stephanie enjoys an active life with her husband, Dean, and their Labrador retriever, Mickey Mantel Raffelock.

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Posted September 7, 2021 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Creatrix Rising Book Blog Tour #LoneStarLit #CreatrixRising

  1. Thank you Chapter Break Book Blog for hosting me on my book blog tour today. I appreciate your thoughtful review of Creatrix Rising. This is the time of women. This is the place of women. Our voices are rising and we are standing in the light of our truth and speaking it! I raise my glass to women everywhere and salute you! Thank you Chapter Break and thank you Kristine Hall and everyone at Lone Star Literary.