We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
Wow! What a cover! It’s eerie, it’s creepy, it’s a bit scary.
I love the font, let’s start with that. LOVE the gentle scrolly letters so much. Someone tell me what fond this is because I want it.
I also like how the cover is dark, with lots of dark colors and themes, but everything is clear, crisp, and easy to read. Well done!
The skeletons. YES. The spiky metal crown looks dangerous and not all that royal. The other armor all around. Something curse-y is going on that’s for sure!
I’m so intrigued. I want to know what the curse is. Who is the Cyren Queen?
Definitely intrigued enough to read the blurb. OK. Tournament and trials. Sounds heavy. Also interesting that while it is a series, it will only be a 4-series book (quartet) and 2 are out already. So it’s not a heavy investment if you’re interested.
Certainly striking. And caught my attention. But unlike Julie, I’m a hard pass on this. Looks scary. I don’t want to know who the Cyren Queen is!
I do get some pirate-y\water vibes with all the seashells and danger in the background.
I will say I like the crown down in the bottom corner, especially how it shines.
I also like the font. That was a good choice!
Overall, I’d pass on this book! But the cover is very eye-catching!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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