PSYCHIC – TS ROSE – Blog Tour and Author Interview

Posted May 27, 2022 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Author Q&A – Sharon and Tammy Rose, authors of Psychic (as T.S. Rose)


How do you work together as writers?

Sharon writes the overall plot, and breaks it down into chapters, then Sharon and Tammy each take a chapter to work on. Tammy is better at dialogue scenes, whilst Sharon tends to focus on the high action elements. Because Sharon proposes the initial plot, she tends to put a first face to the characters, but before writing Tammy will tear these apart, sometimes changing the sex of a character, getting rid of one altogether, or rewriting their backstory. Tammy, being considerably younger than her mother Sharon, is more in touch with youthful characters. She also teaches at a secondary school, and is in contact with students every day, so her feel for the language of the younger generation is excellent. Sharon’s strengths lie in the creation of intricate plots, with twists and turns that leave the reader spinning. Once a chapter is written we both review this together.


Do you ever fight about your work?

Yes, but because we appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses we leave the final decision to the person with the best skill in that area. We tend to fight like adults, proposing points, debating our viewpoints in a grown-up manner. Sometimes we have to sleep on it, before coming to a resolution. It has meant that the typical mother/daughter relationship has had to alter to a relationship that is more collegial. It’s been a great experience for us.


Of those outside your family, who has had the most influence on your life?

In terms of worldwide figures, Sharon has met and worked with Nelson Mandela, who will always be a great influence on her thoughts. For Tammy, it’s King Ludwig II, Von Bayern. Whilst being a dreadful ruler, who ignored the threats of war to his country, he focussed on romantic projects, creating a number of wonderful architectural buildings, and his palaces still remain as great natural treasures and tributes to peace in Bavaria.


Given unlimited resources what would you do to make the world a better place to live in?

Less politics, more ability to create cross country/cross continental think-tanks to solve the world’s problems. For example, a radical solution to global warming could be found with this approach. Africa cries out for being reforested, but only a cross country approach could achieve this.


Who is your favourite author?

Tammy – Oscar Wilde, Sharon – Stephen King. For Sharon, reading has always been a great love. She absorbed hundreds of books in her childhood – anything from war stories to cowboys, and from horror to romance. Stephen King has to be a favourite author, who influenced much of her writing style. Tammy is more academic in her reading, and for her Oscar Wilde offers the sense of humour she seeks.


What is your favourite genre?

Sharon – anything, but especially science fiction/fantasy. Tammy – horror.


Politics are a big part of PSYCHIC. In your opinion, does government/democracy work?

No, it’s deeply flawed, with political parties creating political spin that masks the truth about everything. The only good part about it is that it is better than any of the other alternatives, and it does leave people with the ability to think for themselves, should they choose to. Sadly many people don’t, they just absorb the sound bites as gospel.





Psychic will be released with Apprentice House Press on June 7, 2022. Set in Modern-day Britain, young adults with psychic superpowers must team up in order to stop a horrific terrorism threat.



Title: Psychic
Author: TS Rose
Publisher: Apprentice House Press
Release Date: June 7, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-62720-387-6
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 380
Genre(s): Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Thriller

Modern-day Britain, with the terrorism threat level set at severe and rising to critical, needs extraordinary measures to overcome the next threat, including the use of students with psychic abilities.

Alone, and frightened of her own power, Alpha is forced to use it to protect the care home she’s lived in since the loss of her parents. But such abilities do not go unnoticed, bringing her to the attention of others, some with good intentions and others with racist affiliations. She runs, but just when she thinks she’s found a sanctuary it turns out to have been infiltrated by those with the most violent form of terrorism on their agenda.

Sunday, a most unlikely hero and would-be young thief, must form a bond with Alpha if the pair are to stand even the slightest chance of averting the most catastrophic terrorist attack on British soil for many years. They must learn to trust others, too — but how can they do this, when everyone else is a suspect?

Price: $6.99
Price Disclaimer


About the Author

T Rose is the daughter of S Rose, her co-author. T is an accomplished writer. Having earned five academic prizes she graduated from Queen Mary University (London) before becoming an English teacher. Over the years, she has worked with various charities focusing on promoting reading as well as organizing events and activities to help children
and adults in need. She was born in England and now lives in a rural town surrounded by trees and nature, but which also lies only twenty-five minutes by train from the bustling metropolis of London.
S Rose was born in South Africa, but partially schooled in Germany and the UK. She lived for a while in Kissimmee, Florida, but now lives near London. She has published a gardening story for young children, as well as a fantasy tale for young adults. Her career as a Town Clerk, working for the good of the community, keeps her exceptionally busy, so
writing takes place during stolen moments just before bed.
See more on their website here:, and take the quiz to see what type of psychic abilities you would have!

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Posted May 27, 2022 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
