Here at Chapter Break, we don’t always write a full review of every book we read. Well, now we decided to do these monthly wrap-up posts with roundups of our reviews this month and mini-reviews to fill in the gaps. Enjoy!
3 Minutes to Midnight: Urban Fantasy Midnight Trilogy Book 1 This book started off a bit slow and meandering for me, or maybe that is due to me putting it down for a while before being able to finish it. It lost so many points with all the breaths these characters kept letting out that they didn’t know they were holding. But in the end the book regained all the points. I loved the twists and turns and surprises and betrayal and reunion and loss. Alll the feels. All the fighting and strength of character shown from friends and even strangers. Ok so now I want book 2.
Back in the Burbs: I totally adored this book! Mallory is taking back control of her life. And I was all for it! My only disappointment is that we didn’t get to meet Aunt Maggie, as it was her death that started Mallory down her path of epic-ness. But even better is the sexy neighbor. Wink. Wink. I, too, want to fight the HOA rules, tell off an ex-husband AND father, and use lawn flamingos to make rude designs! Sarcasm and sexy times both in the same book, which is right up my ally. 10/5. Highly recommended!
The Emma Project: I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into this book. Vansch doesn’t really appear much in the previous novels of this series. And I didn’t really like Naina’s character in INSENCE AND SENSIBILITY. Given that, I really enjoyed this! A lot more emotional than the other novels. I also appreciate how well Ms. Dev walks up to the sexy time scenes without being only about the sex. The two aspects of this whole series that I’ve enjoyed the most is having dual POV’s from the main characters. Austen never gave us that! And slotting the characters in Ms. Dev’s novel into the scenes and characters in Austen’s novel. Overall a very enjoyable series. Highly recommended to anyone, but especially to Austen fans!
A Murderous Relation: Or the one where Veronica and Stoker become entangled (tangentially) with Jack the Ripper. This novel gives us more great flirting between Veronica and Stoker. And further insight into Veronica’s family. There’s not a lot to say on the plot that isn’t spoiler-y. Between breaking up a fancy\high-end brothel and being kidnapped, lots of hijinks ensure. Enjoyable continuation of the series.
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London: Magical booksellers! The ‘old’ bookstore sells new books. The ‘new’ bookstore sells old\used books. But mainly the booksellers protect the modern world from the ancient one which lives very close to the surface. I enjoyed the premise and the characters. Though, tbh, I think the Invisible Library series is better. I’m interested enough to read the next novel in the series. But not run out and read it right away.
Moriarty The Devil’s Game: Audible is knocking it out of the park with these short form\podcast stories! Full cast narration. Background sounds. Free. What more could I want? This novel premises that Sherlock Holmes is not the hero society has posited him to be. And that Moriarty is actually the victim of Holmes’s machinations. The plot rivals the original novels, in my opinion. The twists and turns are expertly executed. Highly recommended if you are a fan of Holmes, mysteries, and audiobooks!
Books we reviewed this month:
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A Murderous Relation sound like an interesting read.
Have a great August reading month.
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