That’s what HE said Thursday- September 2022

Posted September 22, 2022 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 3 Comments


We are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here. In summary, the meme is for quotes from dudes/book boyfriends in the books we read.

The Linky will be open all year long and you are welcome to do your post at any time and link up.


LynnpicLynn’s Quote:

“And it would involve becoming just what he planned for you all along – a heartless replica of himself. He’d win, even as you stabbed him. No, I’ll kill him, and save you from being despoiled.”

Ned Lightbourne to Cecilia Bassingthwaite

(The Wisteria Society for Lady Scoundrels (Dangerous Damsels #1) by: India Holton)

I highlighted SO MANY passages in this book. It’s clever and witty and flirty. Plus pirates! In this case, Ned was hired to assassinate Cecilia by one party, abduct her by another, and keep her out of the pirate business by a third. So who knows which side Ned is on! And turnabout is fair play, so here’s a quote from Cecilia to Ned!

“We are exactly that, Signor. Corsairs, robbers, pirates. I, however, am also a bibliophile, and you are impeding my visit to the library. So either assassinate me now and get it over with, or kindly step aside. “

Cecilia Bassingthwaite to Ned Lightbourne

Clearly, Cecilia knows the importance of books. She always has one close to hand, just in case! 



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Posted September 22, 2022 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 3 Comments


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