Chat About Covers: Legends & Lattes

Posted November 17, 2022 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 1 Comment



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

Legends & Lattes
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Julie Review Avatar

Oh this cover! It just brings out all sorts of giggles. Like I can’t tell if the book is a silly romp or if they’re serious. The full title says ”
A Novel of High Fantasy and Low Stakes. So yes it’s kind of silly. And the silly cover image fits the silly title.

The troll or alien or elf creatures? Or are they devils with the tail and horns? I can’t tell! But how do they look? Hilarious. Not well illustrated, but it also kind of feels on purpose. Giant muscles, cartooney coffee cups, and that tail!

The colors are kinda blendy, like ALLL the brown in the coffee shop where they tried to draw some details but they don’t stand out but distract. So yes we can tell this takes place around a coffee shop.

Green dude and pink girl are interesting against that though. Are they the legends? What is the legend? I can’t tell. But I did read the blurb and I like it, a fun urban fantasy feel with some cozy mystery too.

I love the title font and the author name font. Two different fonts but they look great.

So I kind of want to read it because the genre is definitely mine, and if there’s even some sarcastic fun biotch main character as the cover suggests, I’m probably in.
Lynnpic avatar
Is there anything necessarily wrong with this cover? Not in my opinion. Do I like it? Also, no.

What strikes me first is all the earth tones. I generally dig browns and greens. But there is too much brown and green here, with only the slight purple on the left character breaking it up.

The characters clearly convey other-world, what with the green and purple skin. Clothing and hair work as well.

The cover does convey the coffee shop setting well, with the steam, cups, pastries, and what I’m guessing is some kind of coffee contraption in the background. Success there!

The fonts are good, clear and easy to read.

Overall, I’d say this cover works to convey the story well, so I’d call that a success. It caught my eye enough to put it on my TBR in hopes that it’s actually humorous!


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted November 17, 2022 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 1 Comment


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