A Kid’s Guide to Navigating Their Emotions
Illustrated by James Ballance
Children’s Book / Self-Help / Mindfulness / Parenting
Publisher: The Jai Jais
Page Count: 56 pages
Publication Date: February 3, 2022
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Connected is all about teaching kids and their families how to navigate their emotions. It is a practical guide to understanding powerful concepts that alleviate the stress and challenge in tough situations.
The book also includes tools and tips to help children become advocates for their mental and emotional well-being in productive ways, as well as thought-provoking questions to encourage young readers to think about how these tools would be uniquely relatable to them. Written to inspire children to become empathetic leaders and creative solution-seekers, Connected is a book that helps them not only understand themselves better, but also those around them.
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Thanks to author Seema Desai and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing this opportunity to review Connected: Discovering Your Inner Guides. I received the novel free in exchange for my honest review.
Learning emotional intelligence is so important for kids. That’s something we are actively working on with our son, since he’s quite an intense little man. So I thought this book would be perfect to read with him, to help him focus inwardly on those Inner Guides. I will say this is more a reading to him than with him level. My son is 8 and the book is likely meant for maybe tweens and teens. So we read it together, taking turns, but me doing most of the reading and discussion points.
I loved that the book includes so many illustrations and comic book style doodles and quotes throughout. I feel that really helps connect with kids and make the topic easier to digest. Otherwise, there’s a lot of information being introduced. This would be great for older kids to journal after reading a chapter or even a few pages at a time.
You see, these Inner Guides we learn about can help kids and adults deal with stressful situations. The author talks about our Guards that put up the red flags and raise the alarms, and while we are thankful for their looking out for us, they are not always necessary. The book teaches us that being Connected to our Inner Guides will help us help those Guards to settle down, and let us handle situations more gracefully and calmly.
“Everyone has Guards and envisions them in different ways. They are a completely normal part of life. They might seem scary at times, but they mean well. When they think you may be threatened, they bring feelings of fear, judgement, guilt, blame, shame, anger, jealousy, and other unpleasant emotions.”
I loved the analogy of the puppy, barking at the stranger when the doorbell rings. The intention is to protect the home and family, right?
“Much like the puppy calms down once it sees the person at the door is a friend, you can calm your Guards by connecting with your Inner Guides.”
And that explanation is why it is so important to understand and put these teaching into practice.
“With practice, you can strengthen your connection with your Guides so that your Guards are less easily heard.”
I definitely got a lot out of this book as well, because connecting with your Inner Guides is something everyone can benefit from. I’ve already been doing a lot of inner work on mindfulness, practicing gratitude, and working to calm my body when those Guards sound the alarm, so the teachings in the book resonated with me. There is so much in life that can upset us and cause our reactions to be sudden, but when we react from a place of fear or anger, we tend to regret our actions later. Taking a moment to understand the bigger picture of what we are feeling and how others around us are interacting with us, it really makes a difference.
Dr. Seema Desai is a proud wife and mom of two young children. She is also a Certified Professional Coach, speaker, and author of the newly-released children’s book, Connected: Discovering Your Inner Guides. She currently serves as Co-President of the Austin chapter of Pratham USA, a non-profit organization aimed at creating learning equality for underserved children in India and globally. Though no longer seeing patients, Seema is also a general dentist who dedicated her years in medicine to serving the geriatric population in Austin and surrounding areas.
Along with yoga and traveling, connected parenting is a passion for Seema. She believes that helping a parent and child connect to their inner wisdom is a powerful way to create the next generation of peace-leaders and solution-seekers. She is firmly committed to being a part of a kindness revolution, where we raise children in a way that heals and inspires resilience and greatness.
Things that bring Seema joy are good cups of coffee, jazz music, tropical beaches, meditating, family time…and large slices of chocolate cake.
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This book sounds great! I can see how it could really benefit my kids.
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