Chat Between Chapters: Spin Off Series

Posted January 17, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 2 Comments



For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Do you tend to enjoy spin off series? Or are you hesitant about them?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

We joined this topic because spin-offs are a special treat. We had a previous chat between chapters topic on books that should have a spin-off. But what about those that already do? How do we feel about them?

Personally I find them a lot less stressful than starting a brand new series. Sometimes I want something new and fresh but often I’m happier to stick with the tried and true. Why?

  • I already know the world – and probably already love it if I want to read the spin-off
  • I already like the author and the writing style is familiar
  • I feel like I can jump in and enjoy the book faster (that first date time with a new book is awkward)

Here are some of my favorite spin-off series:

  • Night Huntress with Cat and Bones and Night Prince with Vlad and Leila!
  • Vampire Academy and Bloodlines

Spins-offs I plan to read:

  • Linsey Hall’s series – I read the Dragon Gift: The Huntress series and purchased a bunch of the spin-offs (Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker and Dragon’s Gift: The Protector). I just gotta read them.



I’ve be racking my brain trying to think of book series spin -that I’ve read. Here’s why I’ve come up with:

  • Lord John from the Outlander series: I enjoyed these. And actually more than the later Outlander books.
  • Bloodlines: OF COURSE. So much Adrian!
  • Time’s Convert from the All Souls series. Sure. I loved Marcus’s story. But seriously. If Gallowglass doesn’t get a happily ever after, I will be disappointed!
  • Cletus and Jen’s series (from the Winston Bros. series) and the Elements of Chemistry\Laws of Physics series by Penny Reid. These both take characters I love (Cletus and Abram, respectively) and extends their stories for even more reading pleasure.
  • Can we also consider books in the same world to be series spin-offs? If so, I’d say all the different Cassandra Clare books are spin-offs! that I’ve read!

Like Julie, I agree. It is easier to step into a series with known characters than to start a new series. I think what makes a great spin-off series is having a good character that I’m already invested in. And giving that character new adventures that I want to read.

Honestly, I can’t think of any spin-off series that I’m drying to read. Maybe the Dune books written by Brian Herbert. Do those count? I’m sure I’ll think of something five minutes after I post this!


What about you? Any spin-off series that you’ve loved?


Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -


We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Spin Off Series

  1. Great point about going into something new and fresh, but still comfortable and familiar. I feel that way as well, but didn’t articulate that in my post.

    Thanks for joining!