We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
ERMAGERD this cover is purple overload SQUEEEEE. So like my favorite color, right? So forgive me for being super drawn to it. But… then kind of repelled. Because TOO MUCH YO!
Generally I like this cover, the fonts are gorgeous. They works so well together – the blocky font is great and the script font is tastefully used and very easy to read. I also quite like the tag line. Win win win.
I love the tropical purple flowers but I feel there it gets to be a lot. Like the one that’s more forward and closer to the reader, the purple AND white gradient shading is perfection. PERFECTION. I want to touch it. My pretty.
But the others are too much. Too many other purple gorgeous flowers crowding each other out. But, then, that’s where the dangerous aspect comes in? So the cover is doing a great job drawing me in but also warning me that something sinister is afoot.
I, too, am a big fan of purple! And the simple design on this cover, with the black background, purple flowers, and white text. Simple, yes. But also eye-catching for sure!
I’m not a fan of the cursive font, though. Maybe if it was in white and stood out more against the flowers? Same with the tag lines. I think using the two different fonts work, but the purple does blend with the rest of the cover.
I’m good with all the flowers together. Honestly, my camera roll is mostly photos of flowers that look pretty similar!
I also agree with Julie. This cover did a great job of grabbing our attention!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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I love the colors of this cover! It really makes the book stand out.
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Purple is my favorite color too! Still, I agree that this almost feels like purple overload. Still pretty, though.
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