Chat Between Chapters: Fave Author Diff Genre

Posted February 7, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments



For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Would you read a book by your favorite author if it isn’t in a genre you normally enjoy?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

This is a hard one. Instinct tells me yes, if I love the author and the writing style why not?

But there’s something about genres that I don’t enjoy that makes that difficult. I love mostly paranormal and fantasy topics. But crime thrillers? Nope.

Or if I love the author for the YA I might not feel the same about their adult romances? It could just be too different, and we like what we like.

It is a difficult question, but sort of mirrors the spin-off novels question. It’s a familiar situation – familiar author, familiar writing voice, maybe even a beloved descriptive writing talent. It could go very well.

Although, sometimes a beloved author even writing in the same genre that you enjoy can be a fail. So I suppose you never know.

Let’s look at some examples:

Fatal example – the Harry Potter series is epic beyond epic. But the same author’s English Countryside book? Gag. That was a DNF.

Here’s an example of an attempt that panned out better than expected. I loved Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, and for me, it got me back into reading. I also enjoyed The Host. So we decided to try the author’s thriller, the Chemist, and well, it while it wasn’t completely my cuppa, I’m glad I tried it.

Finally, Richelle Mead is another favorite (Vampire Academy and Bloodlines are among my favorites) but her Gameboard of the Gods was DNF for me as well. Even though it was a dystopia/sci-fi/fantasy type.



I’m with Julie on the yes-ish. Different genre matters for sure. Some authors just are not cut out for all the genres! And some genres are just not for me.

My examples:

JD Robb \ Nora Roberts: I actually read the JD Robb books before even knowing that was a pseudonym for Nora Roberts. But in both cases, I really enjoy her books.

Rainbow Rowell is another example of a win for me. She writes both adult and YA books. And true, sure, I love the YA books more. But I still enjoy the adult. She also crosses genres with contemporary, fantasy, and even got me to read (some) graphic novels.

And for my argument against: Let’s talk Neil Gaiman. I know, sacrilege. But honestly, his adult books are too much for me. But his kids and YA books? Those totally work. As well as his non-fiction work on mythology. I think it’s the adult themes (violence, sex, violent sex) that I cannot get into. But I loved The Graveyard Book and Norse Mythology.

In general, I think this would be a case by case situation for sure!

And I don’t know what Julie is talking about. I loved The Chemist.



Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -


We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted February 7, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


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