Chat About Covers: Surrender To The Cyborgs

Posted February 9, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.


Surrender To The Cyborgs
Price: $5.99
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Julie Review Avatar

The cover definitely got my attention. A lady in a lovely red dress will do that.

I will say I have mixed feelings about the title font. I like the font itself, it’s very easy to ready and clear and blocky but not boring. I like fonts. I like and both dislike the overly reddish pink hues. No, come to think of it more, I dislike it. Too much color. A black would have done better. I like the author name font color, white, easy to read, not in your face.

The dessert behind the girl, well that’s kind of offputting against her dress. I mean it sucks to walk on hot sand in a shiny dress. And probably heels. The double son situation makes it feel very hot there. And the lightning? Well I wouldn’t want to be out in that.

But the premise is cringey and not for me. Interstellar brides – so like a mail order bride for cyborgs? But the write up does have me interested in the strong female lead who is stubborn and refuses to accept her fate. But, now she has to surrender to two cyborg husbands? UM, no thanks.


Lynnpic avatar
This one is a case of great cover and cringy\not for me concept!

I’m pro-sci fi for sure. And sci fi covers can run the gamete from amazing to horrible and everything in between. The idea of the cover model being a cyborg is super intriguing and what initially drew me to this cover. (Sadly, not the cyborg.)

I love the oranges, reds, and browns on the cover. These evoke a different planet for sure. Especially with the two suns and lightening. The dress on the cover model also blends well with the setting and background.

The title font is simple and easy to read. But I probably would have gone with a different color. Something about that magenta-y, pink-y, red color does not work for me. Maybe something white like the authors name would have been a better choice? Yellow would probably work as well.

Overall intriguing cover. At least til I read the blurb.




What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted February 9, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments


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