For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Tell us about some famous author from your city/state/country
So this is a fun question and as I’ve lived in so many places, where to start?
Let’s start with authors I’ve met – mostly while living in Houston, TX. Pre-kids I used to go to book signings all the time and met so many lovely authors. Some traveled far for their book tours but a few were local authors! Some of them even met with our book clubs!
- Mary Lindsey joined our book club to discuss Shattered Souls
- Sophie Jordan joined our book club to discuss one of her books, I can’t remember which since I’ve read so many of them.
I grew up in California so let’s go there next. Obviously Jack London, though I haven’t read any of his classics I’ve visited the square named after him often. Of course Robert Frost. Isabel Allende is one of my favorites, while not a California native, moved there before I was born – I read most of her books during high school.
I currently live in Hawaii for a few more months, and one famous author from here is Alan Brennert. I read his Moloka’i in a book club while I still lived in Houston.
So yes – I did Google “Famous Authors from Florida” as all I could think of was Hemingway. I’d forgotten all about Carl Hiaasen. And did not know that Elmore Leonard is from Florida. I always pictured him and his Westerns being from some ‘western’ state. And Madeleine L’Engle! And Judy Blume! And James Patterson! Clearly a lot more authors from Florida than I realized.
But let’s talk about one of my favs – Neal Shusterman. Based on inference and subtle internet stalking, I’ve discovered that Mr. Shusterman lives in Jacksonville! Ok. No. I have not gone so far as to find his exact house on Google Earth or anything that creepy! I’ve just seen multiple mentions in his social media of living in Florida. While other authors like Hiaasen have made Florida a crucial part of their books, Mr. Shusterman’s novels are more global. Shusterman has become one of my favorite authors in the last few years. And I really appreciate how engaged he is with his younger followers. I’m proud to live in the same state!
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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How fun! I didn’t think to Google and find authors. I just went with ones I knew from my blogging. However, Dan Brown (DaVinci Code) is from NH. He’s pretty famous!