Chat Between Chapters: Ideal Book Length

Posted March 28, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. What is your ideal book/audiobook length?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Sorry not sorry, but I am not in the “I love big books” club. I prefer my reads to be palatable, and easy breezy. Why? Because I’m busy with little free time, and the free time I do have, I don’t want to waste it all trying to focus on a long book.

Sometimes I even put a book down for months before finishing it. I can’t be having to remember all that happened in between in a long book.

My ideal length is a normal YA book size – about 300 pages. I don’t see why most books can’t fall into that length. You don’t need fluff, you don’t need extra space wasting pages, right?

My ideal audio length is also about that size – so less than 10 hours is perfection. Again, I listen in the margins of my day. Usually when I’m working on spreadsheets since that’s the only quiet time in my home. I can’t listen while anyone else is home.

So yea, I like my books on the shorter and sweeter side. Long enough to enjoy the story, but short enough to actually get through it.



Like Julie – my ideal book is in that 10-12 hour sweet spot. I will read longer books – well listen. But dude. Edit that crap down! I’m currently looking at CASSEIL’S SERVENT by Jacqueline Carey and LAUGHING at the 528 page length. FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT. That’s what, 25 hours of listening? At least? This is also one of the reasons I stopped listening to the Outlander books. I just do not have the ability to focus on one book for that long.

Given that, while I was home & unemployed, I did enjoy a good long book. I read Crescent City #1, all 800+ pages in less than a week. That’s the benefit of not having anything else going on!

For both of us, it’s all about the free time. If we had that time, we’d be more interested in the long books. But with everything else going on (work, life, the new season of Shadow & Bone), there is no time for long books. Plus, the more long books you read, the slower that book count on Goodreads moves!


Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -

We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted March 28, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Ideal Book Length

  1. I am a little scared of big books, ngl. I am fine with even around 500 pages, if the book really needs it, but like you said Lynn, so many authors could really edit those things down and have the same (or better!) outcome. Idk why some authors go with the “wordier is better” approach, but they could kindly not. I like the 3-400 range best, and I feel if it’s getting into 600 territory you just need a sequel at that point!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: April 4th Releases

  2. I agree with you both. But having said that, genre does play a part. Fantasy books tend to be longer, and generally I’m okay with that. But I like easy-breezy in my romances.