The Catcher Dream Virtual Book Tour #RABTBookTours #TheCatcherDream

Posted April 5, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 1 Comment

Children’s Book

Date Published: 07/29/2022

Publisher: Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc.


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“The Catcher Dream” was born as a poem and remains so in this
newly minted Book Five of Kelly Anne Manuel’s Childhood Classics.

In this story the Child is invited on a journey where self-empowerment is
modeled through an interaction between the narrator and a fictionalized
character known as the Catcher Dream.

This is a story where the narrator models strength and courage once an
uncomfortable matter is identified through self-assessment.

“The Catcher Dream” offers a standing invitation to the Child.
The Child will learn that they are individuals in charge of safeguarding
their physical and emotional space. It is an example of how imperative it is
to process the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that uncomfortable matters

 The simple words take on new meaning as the illustrations pair
perfectly with their presentation. The Child will observe illustrations that
are in alignment with the serious tone of the story. It is important that
the art match the conflict presented and resolved by the narrator.

The narrator shows the Child that once a boundary was encroached upon,
speaking up in a firm manner provided a solution. Children learn how to
handle conflict by observation. It is important for their literature to
address a balanced yet firm approach to conflict resolution.

The author intends this book to be a launch pad for discussions about
personal space, respect, and boundaries. These are all areas that deserve to
be explored frequently as the Child ages. It is in Early Childhood that
futures are being constructed.

“The Catcher Dream” is a tool in a Caregiver’s toolbox to assist
with that healthy formation. The idea that self-empowerment is formed during
these early years is embraced by the author.

The Children who read this book will be rewarded with a valuable lesson
that facing fears results in the positive trait of resilience.

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:


The Catcher Dream is a lovely poem about boundaries. Yes, boundaries, physical, emotional, whichever boundaries you have and want to teach your child about. This is a great way to empower young readers to be strong and stand up for themselves. To tell the “Catcher Dream” intruder to go away, and not bother them.

There are so many great discussions you can have with kids about boundaries and inner strength. You can also talk about how bullies seem scary and strong but inside they are scared and sad. This poem brings that up as well.

My favorite thing about The Catcher Dream, like other books by Kelly Anne Manuel, are the illustrations. My, my they are wonderful. These are darker than the other books I’ve read, but just as fantastical. I love them. My son wasn’t as excited about these illustrations as the other books, like I said they are dark and powerful, not bright and cheerful. But they are moving, and help convey a less easy but very important lesson about life.



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Posted April 5, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 1 Comment


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