Interview with Eva Horner
At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?
At what point? There was no point. I think the writer was always in me, I always wrote down my stories, even early on. My visions, my dreams, my observations of people, nature, the world with all my senses and more.
My path to publication started at Write Night! It’s a weekly gathering of people who are interested in writing. It’s a magic place on the sea, headed by Brian Gruber, an American journalist and veteran writer, a fabulous man. It’s free, everybody can come. As I pursue love on this party island, Koh Phangan, in Thailand, I also look for intellectual exchange. A small break from the parties, beach and fun. So I found this event. We write stories together. I learned a lot. Writing at my house on the beach, the short stories grew up to about 50. Brian said, You should make a book. And I did.
What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
I recommend books which call the reader. Choose books that are interesting at this time of your life.
What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?
I haven’t experienced any negative criticism about my book yet. Fortunately! All compliments, and they are heartwarming. My world has become a better place with the love.
What is your favorite line from your book?
My favourite line from my book, maybe the the last story that where it says every woman is a wonderful queen.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I don’t write I enjoy life to the fullest. I swim naked, bathe in waterfalls, walk through the magic forest, watch sunsets. Listen to 100 drummers at the beach. Dinner with friends. full moon party with lovely reggae. Give book readings. Just simply have fun. Living my dream on paradise island.
Adjust the Crown by Eva Horner
Release Date: February 13, 2023
Blurb: A woman meets a mysterious stranger on a remote Thai island and spends a long night listening to a series of astounding, sometimes raunchy tales. The stranger, an aging though alluring European woman, recounts her sometimes dangerous search for love and liberation in hotel rooms and lavish bedrooms from Kenya through Europe to Koh Phangan, Thailand. Through rejections, abuse, and various flavors of indifference, her imaginary crown, her self-confidence as a goddess-queen, gets knocked down again and again. And each time she adjusts and moves on to the next adventure, preserving her faith in the power of love. These 43 short, risqué tales may titillate or even offend but never fail to testify to the resilience of the human heart.A woman meets a mysterious stranger on a remote Thai island and spends a long night listening to a series of astounding, sometimes raunchy tales. The stranger, an aging though alluring European woman, recounts her sometimes dangerous search for love and liberation in hotel rooms and lavish bedrooms from Kenya through Europe to Koh Phangan, Thailand. Through rejections, abuse, and various flavors of indifference, her imaginary crown, her self-confidence as a goddess-queen, gets knocked down again and again. And each time she adjusts and moves on to the next adventure, preserving her faith in the power of love. These 43 short, risqué tales may titillate or even offend but never fail to testify to the resilience of the human heart.
Adjust the Crown by Eva Horner is 43 short, risqué tales of love, loss and adventure. It’s available on Amazon:
About the Author
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