Q&A from Samantha Picaro
Describe the book in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
Autistic teen plans a fundraiser to save a beloved café.
Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?
I definitely plot and plan. Maybe I try to go with the flow in other areas of life but not with writing.
What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
For YA Contemporary, I totally recommend Claire Kann, Jen Wilde, Gloria Chao, and Sandhya Menon. I could list a lot more but I don’t want to take up a million pages (insert laugh).
Tell us what you enjoy most about writing.
Young Adult has so much to offer despite what some people say about it not being “real” writing. Adolescent minds are the most capable of change, thus a book can really provoke thought and perhaps action. Adults who read YA may find their inner teen or child again.
Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in your writing?
One of the best parts of writing Limitless Roads Café was incorporating my fundraising experience from both volunteering and my work. My degree in Social Work inspired me to incorporate social issues into my writing and to consider the importance of representation, thus I became passionate about #ActuallyAutistic rep.
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
Kinsey, my main character, absolutely reflects me. In fact, there are only a few differences, like how my mom is not like Kinsey’s mom. I never worked at a café or other job with a focus on hiring people with disabilities, although I would like to support such institutions in any way I can, even if it’s something as simple as helping spread the word.
Do you have any odd (writing) habits?
Chewing peppermints helps me focus. I need background noise except for people talking, shouting, etc. Music helps but, for some reason, having headphones on is better than listening to music without headphones.
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?
I could say the cheesy but true “follow your passion” but I’ll give some practical advice. Social media is important, no matter which platform you choose. Read other books from your genre to get an idea of how books in that genre are usually written, and what readers might want. But you should still try to be original. You shouldn’t have a perfect main character but make sure we still have reasons to root for that character.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Discover a new show or movie to watch, bake, or try new coffee flavors.

Title: Limitless Roads Cafe
Author: Samantha Picaro
Release date: May 15, 2023
Genre: YA Contemporary, no romance
Highlights of book: nonromantic, autism rep, cast diverse in ability, fundraiser is focus on the plot
Kinsey Fontana relies on lists to navigate the world as an autistic teen. #Goals list: win her dream event planning internship (she knows it’s an ironic dream); master the art of masking; and gain Mom’s approval. Instead, she works at a café hiring teens with disabilities. Although she loves the café and discounted macchiatos, she dreams of more than planning open mic nights.
She has an opportunity to shine by throwing a fundraiser to save the café. The catch: allow her ex-best friend Melissa Castillo to be her assistant and pretend they are friends again so Melissa’s parents respect her.
To-do list: plan the fundraiser with zero fundraising experience; work with the intimidating hotel planner who rejected her for the internship; and use every masking technique to charm rather than repel people from sponsors to a boy band. Although she needs unhealthy amounts of caffeine to handle autistic burnout, Kinsey reconsiders her #Goals list and realizes self-doubt belongs down the drain like incorrect orders.
About the Author
Facebook: Author Samantha Picaro
Instagram: author.samantha.picaro
TikTok: authorsamanthap
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