Chat Between Chapters: Read a series as the books come out? Or wait until the series is finished?

Posted May 9, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Do you prefer to read a series as the books come out? Or do you prefer to wait until the series is finished? 

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Well, this is a fun topic because raise your hand if you HATE waiting forever for the next book to be released? So I rarely read full on series, I just don’t have the bandwidth. But there are a few series that I want to read, and they are older and completed. This means I can just jump in and read whatever and when I want to I can binge the series quickly. Or, if I want to, I can spread it out. I finally read the last Charley Davidson though I had purchased it a long time ago. I just didn’t want to end it, but I had control over when I started.

Gone are the days where I’m standing in line for a midnight release of a book – looking at you Breaking Dawn. That book was agonizing to wait for, but the first 3 books were already out when I started. My memory is short these days, so I forget most of what happened by the time the next book releases. And that’s not fun since I don’t have time to be re-reading. So I’m happier when I can read the books that are already out and ready for me when I’m ready for them.



6 of one \ half a dozen of the other for me on this one.

Honestly, I don’t normally wait to start a book series til all the books are out. If I want to read something, I’ll read it!

Given that, it is super nice to start a series that has a bunch of books already out. And NOT to have to wait years for the next one in the series. I sped (pun intended!) through the first 6 books of the Veronica Speedwell series last year. And now here I am waiting impatiently for the next one! (Which I see has been released but I haven’t gotten a chance to read yet.)

With the land of spoilers out there, I don’t know that it pays to wait for all the books to be released to start reading a series. Like Julie, I totally understand the short term memory issues. And too many books \ too many plots to remember. That’s when I count on an author to do a good job recapping previous plot lines so I can catch up quickly.


What about you? Do you have the patience to wait out a whole series before starting?





Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -

We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted May 9, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


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