We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
Ohh my I have a love/hate with this cover. You know my hatred for sword covers. It cuts deep (see what I did there?)!
But, the cover itself is done quite well. I am obsessed with the font, it’s so pretty. So pretty! And I love a blocky but frilly font. And the gradient in the font tickles me the right way.
The sword going through the letters but the letters still being perfectly readable? Nicely done! Fan.
Also, the flames are fun. And the dark textured but I can’t tell exactly what is on it background is interesting. Makes me look harder at it.
I would likely pick this up and read the blurb. And I did, as I “bought” this book up since it’s free. The fact that it won some awards is compelling.
Yeah. What Julie said. But I don’t have that sword on the cover issue!
I find the flames kind of fake looking and not really blending in with the rest of the cover. They seem rather out of place with the rest of the dark vibe going on.
I do like the font as well, especially the gradient coloring, with the light to dark look.
Overall, I’d say this cover is a win for me as well. Not enough to download, though. They lost me at horror and character names I can’t pronounce.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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Oooh, I kind of love this cover, honestly. So pretty!
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I can totally relate to the love/hate relationship with covers! It’s interesting to see different perspectives on the cover of “Silver to the Heart.” Julie’s appreciation for the font and the clever design with the sword is understandable. However, Lynn has a valid point about the flames appearing a bit out of place. It’s fascinating how cover elements can evoke different reactions. Overall, it’s intriguing to hear these discussions and understand how covers play a role in our book selections.