The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About #lonestarlit

Posted May 22, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 4 Comments

Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada
Children’s Book / Pet Books / Pet Care
Publisher: Raise the Woof Press
Page Count: 38 pages
Publication Date: May 16, 2023
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Introducing The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About – a quick introduction to early socialization and training for puppies that will make them outstanding canine citizens and wonderful family pets.
     Kids will love following along with the two puppies’ story set in Austin, Texas, as they learn about how to take care of their own puppy. This is the first book in a series of story books, journals, and activity books.

“Gift this book to any new puppy owner you know!”Lynn M. Hayner, Author at dogster

“Chen and Nevada write in an easy and enjoyable style…If you are a dog lover, this storybook is for you. Help your children become the best dog companion they can be.” -Philip Van Heusen, Reader’s Favorite


Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

Thanks to the author and Lone Star Lit Tours for providing this book for our review.

I’ll start this review with saying we are a family with pets, and so I read this with my 8 year old son. We have not gotten a new puppy yet, we still have one elderly dog, but within the past year we recently adopted a kitten (my son picked her out). We do plan to eventually get a puppy.

One of my favorite things about The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About is the amazing amount of information about socializing and raising a puppy. This information can be adapted to raising a kitten and even for raising a child. There are so many wonderful reminders about the puppy getting too excited, or too scared, and needing reassurance, reminders, coaching, and praise. So does my 8 year old. In fact, all my furry and non-furry children behave better when they are worn out.

I also love the aspects of working together to a goal the kids both have. They both want their new puppies to participate in the Fourth of July parade and the kids help each other with training their dogs and each other to have the skills to manage such an event.

The illustrations are fun and engaging – the dogs look gorgeous and I want to pet them. The dogs are actually drawn in more detail than the people, which I find interesting. But we know the focus of the book.

The text in the book is long, it is definitely aimed at kids old enough to participate in training the family puppy. Some pages are quite busy with all the great facts and training ideas the kids are doing.

I also loved how the end of the book has a huge checklist for ideas to socialize your new puppy. Lots of people, animals, locations, smells, sights, etc. for you to expose a young dog to facilitate their training.  I would say middle grade is definitely appropriate for this illustrated book, as is upper elementary.

The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About is definitely a great book to have on your family bookshelf if you’re animal lovers and pet owner.

Jennie Chen is a homesick Austinite who founded Keep Austin Dog Friendly. Over the last 20 years, Jennie has owned Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Lowchen. She has earned numerous titles in conformation, competitive obedience, rally, herding, animal assisted therapy, and more. She is passionate about the relationship people build with their beloved canines, and she has been an advocate for people living with disabilities who need a service dog to live independently. She is active in various dog clubs and can be seen on AKC.TV from time to time.
Giselle Nevada has owned several mastiffs, acquired both from reputable breeders and via rescue. Fostering rescued mastiffs and helping them work through their issues led to a keen interest in socialization as a means of preventing future issues. She loves working with her dogs and has dabbled in carting, conformation, agility, rally, trick dog, nose work, and many other canine sports. Her puppy Porter is a testament to early socialization – he has achieved many performance dog titles and has done commercial work. He also has a role in a movie called Match Me If You Can directed by Marian Yeager.
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The Puppy Adventures of Porter & Midge: Out and About
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Posted May 22, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Reviews / 4 Comments


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