We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
I love birds of paradise, they definitely make my list of top favorite flowers. So their portrayal on this cover intrigues me.
I also like the simplicity, the cover is mysterious and quiet. It fits with the book title.
The font is nice and easy to read, and I like the textures in it.
The girl’s eyes being covered is a cool touch, adding to the mystery. I might even pick this one up and read the blurb.
The simplicity of the black background with the flowers caught my attention right away. I always prefer a simple cover!
I like the flashes of color from the birds of paradise. Very striking!
Interesting comment, Julie, about the model’s eyes being covered. I didn’t initially notice. But certainly adds to the mystery!
I’d also pick this up and read the blurb. And would wonder how many people would ask me about it if I was reading out in public.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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