For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. How do you get out of a reading slump?
Reading slumps are SOOO hard for me. Especially with my limited reading time, having that momentum to keep reading interrupted? It’s so hard to start that up again. Sometimes I just do need a big long break. Do something else entirely, particularly outdoors.
Then, to break the slump I start with something easy. A quick short fun read in a safe genre. Or the next book in a favorite series. Listen while working on spreadsheets to find the time.
That helps – getting a book I’m really into and genuinely want to read. Not something I have to read because past me signed up for a review. Oh yes, I definitely stop agreeing to review books when I’m in a slump. They won’t do well.
I’m good at keeping up with listening to books. That’s easy to do in the car or while being active or cleaning or whatever. It’s the sitting still and reading that I’m not able to keep up with. I’ve been ‘reading’ the same NetGalley book since February and meh.
Like Julie, I’ve cut back significantly on review books. If I’m not into the book, I’m not going to be able to carve out the time to sit and read it.
The thing is, though, I do miss chilling and reading. I get back into reading by going with a book or author that I’m really excited to read. Not only listen to. But to actually read. Usually a romance because cringe to listening to sexy time scenes. 😳
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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[…] Lynn & Julie @ Chapter Break discuss how they get out of reading slumps […]
I like the idea of just allowing myself to not read – except I have deadlines and reviews to post… I try to take fewer books, but I always end up falling behind this time of year.
Jen Twimom recently posted…Review: Dread and Buried by Angie Fox
yes, Jen! It’s definitely helped Julie and I to take on fewer reviews!
When I’m in a reading slump I’ll check out a different genre, and sometimes that helps.
Holly recently posted…How to Use a Robber Bees Screen
oh – good call, Holly! Might have to try that next!