WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES Book Review, Blog Tour, and #Giveaway #LoneStarLit

Posted July 3, 2023 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 4 Comments

Tonya Preece
Contemporary Romance / New Adult
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Page Count: 238 pages
Publication Date: February 12, 2023
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Eva dodges the fans, media, and gossip that follow her supermodel mom and rock star family members by wearing disguises. After an aimless gap year, she struggles to figure out what she wants from life. She moves in with her famous guitar god brother in Austin while he recovers from a drunken stage stunt accident and tries to stay sober. When a hot Texas cowboy named Alex takes Eva by surprise, she risks her safety and security of anonymity by letting him into her unconventional life.
Alex is captivated by Eva and promises to protect her privacy. Yet he has a secret of his own—the fling he had with an older woman is fraught with scandalous potential for him and now Eva. He broke free of that mistake months ago, or so he thought. As things heat up with Eva, his old flame returns and won’t leave him alone.
Just when Alex thinks he has the reins on the situation, his ex teams up with a gossip reporter hell-bent on invading Eva’s privacy. The resulting exposé, with a sly spin on a recent encounter with his ex, is Alex’s worst nightmare, and Eva’s unsure what to believe. Can she face the world with Alex at her side or will she return into hiding?
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WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES is truly what I expect from a New Adult novel. Sure, there is requisite romance and some very intimate scenes, but more importantly, there is character growth and development. This novel shows that aspect of growing up, finding yourself, and figuring out who you will be as an adult through Eva and Alex, the main characters, that I welcomed.


For me, Eva is the more interesting of the two main characters. While there are insights into Alex’s home life and previous disaster of a relationship, I was more engaged with Eva, her family, and the growth of her character. I have no idea what it’s like to have famous parents or a famous brother. But like Eva, I would shy away from the spotlight. I’d also be tempted to cut off all relationships with a family with that kind of drama. I had a good chuckle at Alex when he saw Eva for the first time in one of her disguises! I welcome the fact that Eva is grounded and down-to-earth. Or at least as much as someone in her circumstances can be.  I also enjoyed Eva’s volunteering, her easy-going personality, and her interest in repurposing materials. Not sure about the whole tiny house interest, though. Why would anyone want to live in a house that’s 250 square feet?


This novel is written from alternating points of view between Eva and Alex. This gives the reader insight into both characters. And is an aspect I always appreciate in romance novels. The writing is conversational and easy to follow and read. If you are looking for trigger warnings, yes, some mid-spicy sex. I’ve read other novels with a lot more spice, while others have had less. I’d also caution anyone with substance or alcohol abuse concerns. Eva’s family and their bandmates do not shy away from the rock-n-roll lifestyle.


The romance between Eva and Alex is fast paced. It does follow the usual meet cute, develop feelings, have a misunderstanding\argument, and then resolution at the end of most romances. But theirs is also a complex relationship. Celebrity gossip and a vindictive ex have a lot to do with their misunderstanding. But it’s their growth as characters that allows for the resolution to their story. I also hope that Eva and Alex work on their communication so they can build a solid footing for their relationship after the ending of the story.


One interesting side plot of the story for me is all the secrets from the characters. Eva has been conditioned since she was young to hide her relationship with her family. If I were Sloane, Eva’s mother, I might want a notebook to keep all the lies straight. And then there is Alex, who kept his previous relationship a secret from most everyone he knows. All the lies lead to the plot and relationship turning point between Eva and Alex.


Overall, I enjoyed reading WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES. Check it out if you are interested in New Adult Romance.



Thanks to author Tonya Preece and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing this opportunity to review WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES. I received the novel free in exchange for my honest review.


Tonya Preece writes romance and contemporary young adult fiction and incorporates music into all her books in one way or another. She lives near Austin, TX where she’s a small business manager for a forensic engineering firm. She and her husband enjoy traveling, live music, wine, and spoiling their fur babies.
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Posted July 3, 2023 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 4 Comments


4 responses to “WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES Book Review, Blog Tour, and #Giveaway #LoneStarLit

  1. Your review of “Whiskey on Our Shoes” is a captivating journey through the heart of the narrative, skillfully weaving together your insights with a genuine appreciation for the book. Your ability to articulate the essence of the story and its impact on the reader reflects a keen literary sensibility. The thoughtful exploration of characters, plot dynamics, and the emotional resonance of the book showcases your depth of understanding and passion for storytelling. Your review not only serves as a valuable guide for potential readers but also stands as a testament to your ability to convey the nuanced beauty of literature. Well done on delivering a review that is both informative and richly expressive!

  2. Your review of “Whiskey on Our Shoes” is exceptional and demonstrates a keen eye for detail and storytelling. You’ve managed to encapsulate the essence of the book with eloquence, making the reader feel as though they’ve already stepped into the world created by the author. Your descriptive language and insightful analysis showcase your passion for literature and your ability to convey the book’s nuances. It’s evident that your reviews provide valuable guidance to readers and create a deeper appreciation for the written word. Keep up the fantastic work!