For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile?
I mean, can I giggle at this?
I consider there being three types of TBR piles. The first one is my Goodreads to-read list. This is my wishlist, my one day maybe if I’m immortal list. These aren’t books I own necessarily. I mean, I have over 6k on there!
The next type of TBR is books I own or have collected. I may not necessarily have an order of when or if I will read these. These might be gifts from authors/publishers. These might be freebies on Kindle that I snagged, and digitally store in my book hoard. But I might not have a specific plan for.
Then there’s the actual list of books I plan to read and soon. I actually have a “shelf” for these titles on Goodreads to help me remember what I planned to read next. This list is legit small, because who has all the time in the world anyway? So I guess, in that way, I can count this as a way to cut back my TBR.
Honestly – I don’t really worry about it. Sure, there’s that Goodreads wish list, like Julie mentioned. But otherwise, I read what I want. I do keep track of which book is next in any active series that I’m reading, book club books, and any books I’m reading for blog review. But otherwise, I’m free to read whatever. Though, I’m definitely distracted by shiny and new releases. But I don’t worry about how many books I’ll never get to!
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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I have waay too many books on my gr tbr too, but I know some of them I would never got to lol just never remove it. I put additional tags to better categorize them for mood reading or recommendations though, and it’s easier to sort through them every once in a blue moon when I’m in a “cleaning up” mood 😀
Tasya @ The Literary Huntress recently posted…July Wrap Up & August TBR // Chaos Chaos
Oh I love the idea to categorize books by mood for reading!
I agree with the additional tags, Tasya. I use those, too, when I’m looking for something to read by genre or subject.
I just don’t worry about it, I guess. 😀 The only way I keep track is the Goodreads challenge, which I mostly set, so I can see what I’ve read and find it again easily. Otherwise, I just pick up whatever I feel like and don’t really worry about the numbers. 🙂
Vlora recently posted…Book Review: This is How You Lose the Time War
Same, Vlora! No sense in freaking out over that!
[…] Lynn & Julie @ Chapter Break discuss cutting back on the ol’ TBR […]
I love that neither of you seem overly concerned about the numbers! That’s the best way honestly. I used to have a LOT more books on my TBR than my Read shelf, but my new goal is just to have more on my Read shelf, and I do, so. Every so often, I do take a look at what I have on my TBR and ask myself if I actually ever plan on reading it (usually in a “if I HAD to read this right now, would I be happy with that?” and if the answer is no, it’s gotta go), and then act accordingly. Now, for my physical shelves… that will probably be a problem for my next of kin 😂
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Periodically I go through my TBR on Goodreads and double check if I think I still want to read a book. I also check if the books are available from the library. If not to either of those questions, I delete the title off my list. I knocked off 50 titles from my list this spring by doing this. I often can’t even remember why I added the book in the first place, so it is healthy opportunity for me to reanalyze my reading priorities.
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Anne@HeadFullofBooks recently posted…50 Best Books of Summer — Do you agree?
Interesting! I only count books I own for my TBR – if it’s a want to read, but I don’t own it, I can’t count it. With that said, most of them are ones I’ll probably never read, as they were freebies from cons or downloads. Oh well… too many books, so little time!
Jen Twimom recently posted…Tell Me Something Tuesday: July 18, 2023 – Reducing the TBR