We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
I’m sorry hold my tea. This is the kind of cover that gets me. I don’t know if it’s because it’s kind of reminiscent of the styles of covers of the Twilight and Lunar Chronicles, but it works. And it makes me oh so curious.
I love the spin off on the Sleeping Beauty title, with the curvy metallic ivy looking like a spinning wheel, and the t in Beauty looking like a tiny blade with a blood drop. Love.
The rose and the crown give it an elegant and interesting touch – are we dealing with royalty? Are we dealing with evil? Or someone (the princess waking up) taking back control? I hope it’s a revenge story!
I’m a bit flip floppy on the font. I love it, but it’s kinda busy at the same time. The author name font is perfect, easy to read, nicely bold and stated. The title font, while gorgeous, kind of gets tangled up too much with the metallic ivy. It’s hard to read in places, which does make me take a second look.
Yes I definitely need to pick this up and flip it over. *Heading to Goodreads*
I, too, like this cover with the Sleeping Beauty retelling vibe.
What stands out for me are the crown and rose at the top. Prominently placed and eye-catching for sure. The drops of blood that look like jewels is VERY COOL. I also like the black background behind the artwork. I don’t think another color would have worked here.
What I don’t really like is how busy this cover feels. I like the elements. But there are too many of them. Like Julie said, the title font is tangled up with the filigree in the background. I’d pick one of those and take out the other. A more simple font would be easier to read. But I’d totally keep that sword for a T!
Overall this cover worked as it got our attention!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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