Santa’s Slip Up Book Tour & Giveaway #SantasSlipUp

Posted September 22, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 8 Comments

Santa’s Slip Up Book Tour & Giveaway #SantasSlipUpSanta's Slip Up by Raven Howell, Savannah Horton
Published by Pen It Publishing Genres: Children's, Holidays & Celebrations
Pages: 38
Format: ARC
Source: Provided as part of book tour, Provided by author for honest review

It’s the night of Halloween. Spooks, spiders, and skeletons abound, the full moon glows – so who is cheering, “Ho, ho, ho!”? Apparently, Santa Claus has come to town, though it’s the wrong time of year! But what could be a bad situation, is wittingly handled with humor, and there’s a new winner at this year’s Halloween parade

For fans of Room on the Broom and The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.

Raven Howell’s



 Santa’s Slip Up


Santa’s Slip Up

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

How cute is this picture book. I mean you already probably know how much I love Halloween and all the fun costumes and creatures. And here we have a fun story sharing all the different Halloween creatures and oops, Santa too!

Santa has got his calendar all confused, and shows up on Halloween with all his Christmas attire. But, it’s a day for costumes and fun, so he joins in on the festivities and fits right in!

I loved that talking point in the story. A fun and engaging way to teach a great lesson to kids. What lesson is that? Well, the lesson is that even if you mess up, you make the best of it and play along. Sometimes mistakes can even lead to the best things happening, like what happened in this story (I won’t spoil it for you). Sometimes mistakes lead to great ideas, fun discoveries, and new adventures.

I liked the rhyming, poetic telling of the story. It is fun to read aloud and to yourself. I also liked the illustrations – the dark, spooky Halloween vibes contrasting with the bright, cheery Santa. And the cover has a black cat on it so that’s always a win with me. I like the cover, being dark and shadowy with the title font in candy cane colors. Great fun for what we see inside.

I gave it to my son to read and he was really surprised by the holiday mash up mistake and enjoyed the story.



Purchase a copy of Santa’s Slip Up on Amazon,, or Barnes and Noble. You can also add this to your GoodReads reading list.

Santa's Slip Up
Price: $33.91
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One of our lucky readers gets to win this book! Just comment on this post to win!


About the Author


Raven Howell writes stories and poetry for children. Having published several award-winning picture books, she enjoys sharing her love of literature by visiting classrooms and libraries. Raven is Creative & Publishing Advisor for Red Clover Reader, Poetry Director for Monster Magnificent, and writes The Book Bug column for Story Monsters Ink magazine. Her poems are found in children’s magazines such as Ladybug, Spider, Highlights for Children, Humpty Dumpty, and Hello Magazine. She’s a Collaborating Author for Reading is Fundamental SoCal and writes storybooks for Reading Gate.


You can find her online at:


Blog Tour Calendar


September 11th @ The Muffin

Join us at WOW as we celebrate the launch of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. Get to know more about the author in our interview with her and enter for a chance to win a copy of the book.


September 11th @ Word Magic

Visit Fiona’s blog for a guest post by Raven Howell about black cats. Are they really evil or is it all a myth? Find out! (Fun fact: the author owns one!)


September 12th @ One Writer’s Journey

Sue shares a guest post by Raven Howell about the story behind the song “Monster Mash” being too morbid for the radio at first. Don’t miss this fascinating post!


September 13th @ Barbara Barth’s Art & Words

Join Barbara for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. This is a fun children’s book you don’t want to miss!


September 15th @ One Writer’s Journey

Join Sue again for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You’ll love hearing about this charming children’s book!


September 17th @ A Wonderful World of Books

Visit Joy’s blog for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You can also enter to win a copy of the book too.


September 18th @ Rockin’ Book Reviews

Join Lu Ann for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You can also win a copy of the book.


September 20th @ AJ Kormon’s blog

Visit AJ Kormon’s blog for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You’ll want to add this book to your reading list.


September 20th @ Choices

Visit Madeline’s blog for a guest post by Raven Howell about the tricks of the trade writing rhyme.


September 22nd @ Chapter Break

Come by Julie’s blog for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You’ll also have a chance to win a copy for yourself.


September 24th @ Seaside Book Reviews

Don’t miss Jilleen’s book review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell.


September 25th @ What is That Book About

Visit Michelle’s blog to read an excerpt from Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell.


September 26th @ A Storybook World

Join Deirdra for her spotlight of Santa’s Slip Up. Don’t miss this charming book!


September 28th @ Knotty Needle

Don’t miss Judy’s review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You’ll love this charming children’s book!


October 1st @ Chatty Patty’s Place

Join Patty for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You’ll also have the chance to win a copy for yourself, too.


October 3rd @ Writer Advice

Visit Lynn’s site for a guest post by Raven Howell about the one thing romance, crime, and religion all have in common (hint: they are the most popular book genre!).


October 5th @ Pick a Good Book

Join Debbie for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. A must-read book for the spooky season!


October 8th @ Jill Sheets’ blog

Visit Jill’s blog for her interview with author Raven Howell, author of Santa’s Slip Up.


October 10th @ Pages and Paws

Visit Kristine’s blog for a yummy guest post by Raven Howell that features delicious monster cookies. They are a must-have for the upcoming spooky season!


October 12th @ World of My Imagination

Join Nicole for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell. You can also win a copy of the book!


October 15th @ Jill Sheet’s blog

Visit Jill’s blog for her review of Santa’s Slip Up by Raven Howell.


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Posted September 22, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Santa’s Slip Up Book Tour & Giveaway #SantasSlipUp

  1. This book is PERFECT for our family this year! We’re leaving January first to live overseas, so we plan to celebrate “Christmas for Halloween” this year, figuring that if we celebrated Christmas as usual, the kids would get to play with their new toys for only a week before having to leave (most of) them for a full year. We wanted to ease the transition and this book was soooo timely 🙌🏻

  2. Theresa Palmieri

    This book sounds adorable. I have recently been able to move closer to family, and would love to be able to read this book to/with my nieces…I’m sure that they would get a kick out of it!

  3. Jodi

    This sounds like a wonderful book to read to the kids, that its okay to make mistakes. I would love a copy of the book!

  4. Tricia McPherson

    What a great way to bring in the holiday season by connecting to another holiday and share with children that making mistakes are okay. So many skills AND lessons to be used with this book!

  5. Thanks so much for checking out Santa’s Slip Up, and your kind comments! It was a fun book to write, and I felt it needed to be sparse and twist-y! Ha! It’s actually harder to write a storyline with less words than more and make it work. I’m so glad kids are enjoying it. Sending everyone fun fall wishes! Kindest regards, Raven.