Chat Between Chapters: Do you enjoy multi-author anthologies?

Posted October 3, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Do you enjoy multi-author anthologies?


Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Honestly? I kind of flip flop on this. I don’t really like anthologies in general because often there are authors I haven’t heard of and I might only care about one author’s short in a series I am following. Typically, I don’t have time to be delving into new series at the same time.

But, an anthology is a great way to get a taste of another author’s style and series. So if I’m in a mood for a new series (which I rarely am) then it’s a good time to try it out.

I also don’t know how to log those – is it one book and do you have to read ALL of them to count as a book read on Goodreads? Or do you pick out each short story you read and count it as a separate book if you can find it listed on it’s own?



Why yes, yes I do like an anthology! I always seem to find a great new author or series in an anthology. I even have a Goodreads shelf of anthologies.

The trick is picking one with at least one author that you already know you’ll like.

I also like the anthologies with an overall arc or story. Where the different authors continue the original story or with new characters in the same universe.

What about you?



Chat Between Chapters Book Discussion -

We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2023 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

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Posted October 3, 2023 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Do you enjoy multi-author anthologies?

    • Julie

      Ooh can’t be a bad thing to buy an anthology for a charity event even if you don’t get to read it!

  1. Omg my answer was literally Nicole’s answer heh: I like them in theory, but find I rarely ever read them! When I do, it is almost always a mixed bag, but usually more positive than negative? I think I just don’t end up with any overwhelming feelings either way, since a fabulous story can be followed up by a lackluster one, or a really bad one is usually followed by some good ones.
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: First Batch of October

  2. I’m personally not a fan of anthologies (or short story collections) but if I ever find one that sounds really interesting to me, I may see if my library has it and give it a try.

  3. Julie: I mentioned this in my reply to you, but generally I track the book as the anthology if it’s published as a traditional anthology and I read most/all of it (sometimes I’ve “dnf’d” one of the stories, but still track the whole book). IF I pick up the anthology just to read one novella, then I either count the anthology on Goodreads and note in the review what I read, or if the author has the novella as a separate listing on GR, I track it there. If it’s one of those full of short stories, and I only read one, I generally don’t track it.
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