Chat About Covers: Rotten to the Core

Posted October 26, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.


Julie Review Avatar

Hold the phone. Please let me have this book now. This is a gorgeous and eerie cover that absolutely tickles me in the right way. It gives a Necro covers feel, and I love his cover arts.

The apple, bit into, with the skull. Ohh shivers.  Tell me more!

The ghost flowers coming around from the sides are gorgeous. The ghost crown at the top, kind of in purple smoke, looks interesting as well, even if a little out of place.

Love the font, the big and small uses of the same font for the words of the title and the series name at the top, as well as the authors names, is great. I love the way the R looks. The pretty swirls do a great job to tie it all together.

It looks elegant, and scary, at the same time. Love. Adding to TBR.


Lynnpic avatar
Unlike Julie, this cover does nothing for me. It does give off Snow White vibes, which has potential at least.

I find the cover too busy. I can’t find one place to focus on when I’m looking at it. I’d say take out the floating flowers at a minimum. And probably some of the filagree, too.

Onto the Snow White vibes with the apple and the mirror. Maybe if the skull didn’t have fangs I’d be more interested. Not sure if that skull is supposed to be human? Animal? Vampire? The purple wispy lines/crown are ok with the black background.

The fonts are good. Easy to read. Title and author names work well together. And they are well-placed on the cover design.

I’ll pass on this one. But it’s done it’s job and grabbed our attention.



What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted October 26, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments


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