Pretend With Me blog tour

Posted October 27, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Pretend With Me (Beacon Hill Book 1)

by  Emily Mayer

Synopsis (from Amazon):

One phone call was all it took to upend my entire life in completely unexpected ways.

 Whoever said that you can’t go home again was a lair. After the senior year from hell, I had spent a decade trying to avoid Beacon Hill and its residents. My luck came to a sudden end after daddy had an incident with a rotted floor. In and out, I promised myself. I was just there to help my parents for a week or two tops.

 Things in Beacon Hill hadn’t changed much since I’d been home last. Mama still worked at the hub of gossip known as Trixie’s, Mrs. Thomas still made the best chicken salad in all of Georgia, and my sister was still the devil in a pushup bra. And of course, the St. James family was still local royalty. Our very own version of the Kennedys.

 Imagine my surprise when I discovered that, not only is my sister back in town after a failed modeling career, she’s also engaged to Macon St. James. The golden boy of Beacon Hill, and the star of every single one of my teenage fantasies.

 The biggest surprise of all was Holden St. James. I thought he would be one of the villains in this story, but I was learning that I had been wrong about a lot of things. And Holden just might be worth coming home for….




Author Interview

What genre do you write and why?

I write romance. I love that romance novels are written about mainly females or those who identify as female. It’s great to have characters you can identify with and to write them. I also love that you know, no matter how much the author puts you through, the story will have a happily ever after at the end.


Do you have another profession besides writing?

I am a recovering lawyer. I spent about ten years working in criminal defense and a year as a prosecutor.


How long have you been writing?

I published my first book in 2019, but I’ve always written stories. I used to tie notebook paper together with yarn through the punched holes and make them into books.


What advice would you give budding writers?

Don’t shoot for perfection with your first draft! Just keep writing. I think a lot of newer authors myself included) get so caught up in the idea of writing the perfect first draft that they end up never finishing it.


If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?

I think that I relate most closely to Sutton. I definitely feel like I grew into my own person after I moved away from home. Although, unlike Sutton, I have the best sisters!


Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it?

Of course! I usually have to step away and do something else like read or clean.


What is your next project?

I’m currently working on the third book in the Beacon Hill series. I’m so excited about it too that it’s really hard not to give away any spoilers.


What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?

Don’t get discouraged! It will take a while to find your audience, but you’ll find them.


Which authors inspired you to write?

Mariana Zapata was a huge influence for me. Her stories always felt so real and uncomplicated. Her writing made me feel brave enough to try writing.


Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack?

Oh definitely! I will usually snack on cheddar rice cakes or hummus and veggies. If I’m really into writing a scene or super snuck, I go for the hard stuff like chips or cookies.


Do you write every day?

No. I have chronic migraines, so I have to take time off from looking at a screen pretty regularly.


In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?

Oh absolutely! I mentioned above that I have chronic migraine, so I write on paper a ton.



Author Bio:

 Emily Mayer is a part-time lawyer, full time storyteller, and an aspiring writer. She lives in Central Ohio with the two loves of her life; her husband and her dog. If she isn’t working, you can usually find her somewhere with a book in her hand.




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Posted October 27, 2023 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
