Chat About Covers: Christmas Romance Covers

Posted December 21, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

This month we are focusing on the holiday romances. The covers that all look the same – a couple, some snow, something about Christmas in the title. Not even usually a visually appealing photo but just a photo. You know, the Hallmark Christmas Movie of book covers.



Julie Review Avatar

I personally do not like the cookie cutter Christmas movies and do not watch them unless someone makes me. Likewise, these covers bring the same feeling. Not interested, boring, same old story different cover model.

I don’t particularly like romances anyway unless there’s something else to the story – paranormal creatures and romance, sure. But just a we are sad about personal circumstances and our family issues or our jobs, and then we met and now we are less sad, but oh now we are very mad about something we both did, and oh, we figured it out and now we are together – that story line has been done too much.

I would not pick up these covers to read these books, how about you?


Lynnpic avatar
My TV is pretty much permanently on the Hallmark channel during Christmas movie season. And I’m not ashamed to admit it! I love the schlock. But like Julie, I don’t read a lot of contemporary romance. Too much sex, not enough plot or character development for my tastes. I do have a few favorite authors I gravitate to, though. (Cough. Penny Reid. Cough.)

None of these covers suggest anything noteworthy in the plot outside of being a contemporary ‘holiday’ romance. And probably no different from any other holiday romance. They all have the same generic bundled-up couple and the same font style with one word in a fancier font than the others. But overall meh and no appeal.

I’d pass right over these in the book store if I even noticed them.


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted December 21, 2023 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments
