For this discussion post, we joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. What’s the last book you re-read? Did you like as much as the first read?
I’ve mentioned before that I just don’t have the bandwidth to re-read books. Especially the entire series leading up to a new series release. Now, I don’t want to discount the re-reads I’ve done with baby books with my son. I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I re-read Goodnight Moon. BUT, here I’m considering books for myself.
I have a Goodreads shelf for re-reads, and it only has 5 books on it!! According to that shelf, the last book I re-read was The Fault in Our Stars in 2014. HA! I probably re-read it prior to watching the movie. But it has been a *DECADE* and I can’t tell you if I enjoyed it more the second read or the first read.
Ditto to no time for rereading! While I don’t have a list, I think I can count on one hand the titles I’ve read more than once. Aurora Rising & Aurora Burning are the last books I reread. I did reread these two before Aurora’s End came out. More a reflection of how much I loved them than anything about remembering what happened in the series. And yes – loved them just as much as the first time. Though, tbh, I did skip over some scenes the second time. Some scenes do not need to be relived to remember them. #Squad312!
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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Same with the lack of time! I used to do an annual Hunger Games re-read but then, you guessed it, time! And I used to do the series re-reads in anticipation for a new book, but that was before blogging, and again, a casualty of time! There is something comforting about re-reading (and I assume it is akin to why I rewatch The 100 over and over!) but… yeah. too many books, too little time!
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…March 2024 Discussion Challenge Link Up & Giveaway
Like both of you, I am not much of a re-reader. I think I’ve crossed the threshold of being able to count the books I’ve re-read on one hand, but haven’t reached the two hand mark yet. My shelves are full of books I have read and keep around in case I decide to re-read them, but the odds are not in their favor.
Here’s my response:
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark: A Peek into Why We Read & More Friday Fun
Good point on the book shelves!
Other than the Read-Along I did last year, I rarely re-read. The biggest reason is if I get the e-ARC of a book and then buy the audiobook.
Good point on listening to a book after reading it, Jen!