For this discussion post, we are joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Which book genres do you tend to avoid?
So I’m such a picky reader. I don’t read everything and anything, mostly because I read to enjoy. And my reading time is limited. So why read something I’m not going to enjoy?
I tend to stay away from the “hard-boiled” thrillers because they are more tedious than entertaining. I also don’t read much high fantasy, because they take forever to get to the point. And have too many characters. And too much walking. And sword covers.
I also don’t read much smut or romances that have no plot. I don’t want a book full of nothing but them doing it. I want plot. No plot, no thank you.
I’ve stopped reading post-apocalyptic because I’m tired of all the survival books. Life is hard enough lately.
I probably have a longer list of what I don’t read than what I do. sorry not sorry
hah! Julie nailed the post-apocalyptic genre right on the nose. It’s bad enough out there in the real world that I don’t need any dystopian help. I also prefer my romance to have some plot!
I, too, have a list of genres I don’t read probably longer than what I do read! I don’t feel like I’m a picky reader. But I do tend to stick with what I like. Agreed with Julie on there being no point in reading something I won’t like. But I do sometimes need to break out of my rut and read something new. Taking suggestions that aren’t these!
I’m not a fan of non-fiction. I need some plot to move the story forward and keep my attention. Celebrity memoirs are at the top of this list.
I am meh on urban fantasy. They are all similar and I can’t motivate myself to care.
I hard pass on horror. I don’t sleep well as it is and I don’t need any help with my nightmares.
I keep trying graphic novels but with no success. My linear brain does not work well with the boxes and drawings and figuring out which panel is next.
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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I definitely read for fun so only like to read books I am interested in as well. Like both of you, I tend to avoid plotless romance.
I do enjoy graphic novels, and nowadays especially manga (which will really throw you off if you have trouble following the panels since it reads right to left), but I have to remind myself now and then to stop and really look at the artwork. I am such a “words” girl. LOL
Here’s my response:
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark: A Peek Into The Book of Doors & Other Friday Fun
I have to say that I am willing to try something once to see if I enjoy it and may go back to it. That being said, there are a few genres that I go to or even books when I just want to read and not bridge out of my comfort zone.
“I hard pass on horror. I don’t sleep well as it is and I don’t need any help with my nightmares.” This is me 100%
I agree about the post-apocalyptic, but I still enjoy some. But anything that has to do with being wiped out by a virus – no thanks!
I read pretty much everything. The only genres I haven’t been able to get into are contemporary romance and religious fiction, but I’d still give them a shot if they sound interesting enough.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…I Read The Highest Rated Books On My Shelf. Were They Good?
I don’t do horror and am so-so on dystopian, high fantasy, non-fic, or straight contemporary romance. I’ve explored more in the last few years, but still have my go-to favorite genres b/c, like you both, I know what I like and tend to stick with it.