Who Saved Who Book Tour

Posted April 27, 2024 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment

Roslyn Cohn’s



 Who Saved Who


Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn

Book Summary

Growing up in beautiful Bohemian 1970s Marin County, the daughter of a funny pawnbroker-jeweler with vision who knew the streets and a warm, independent Mom turned Naturalist-Animal Rights Activist, Roz is an award-winning actress who spent 20 years in NYC, where she worked on stages from the size of a postage stamp to Broadway.

Roz begins Who Saved Who with her unique parents and upbringing which is so crucial in understanding both her and her journey during 2022. While living in a post-Pandemic world, her career on hold and with politics and the environment in a persistent state of toxic tension, there was little left of life to be desired, so believed Marin County raised and NYC ripened Roz.  Told through words, pictures, and video, “Who Saved Who” is an honest, sometimes funny, many times moving, and ultimately joyous journey of 2022 with a woman who was lost. With messages from the Other Side and the words that her Mother said to her years ago, “We save dogs, Roz, that’s what we do,” Roz was able to climb out of deep sadness and found a purpose ignited she didn’t know was flickering inside.

In “Who Saved Who,” readers may recognize their own journey in loving dogs – perhaps heal themselves from the loss of their own beloved furry family member – and best of all, readers may find their hearts open to saving their next canine companion. “Who Saved Who” does more than warm the heart, it can help heal the spirit. It’s an easy and fulfilling read – paws down.


ISBN-13: 979-8865682363


Print Length: 157 pages


Purchase a copy of Who Saved Who on Amazon. You can also add this to your GoodReads reading list.

Who Saved Who
Price: $16.95
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Author Interview

At what point did you decide to be an author, and what was your path to publication?

At times as an actress I had stories to tell that only could happen if I wrote them personally. I did this with my writing partners in my groundbreaking cabaret, diffiCult to leave, about my 23 years in Scientology. I wrote a short about my neurological condition of the same name, Essential Tremors, which has helped bring awareness about this under-funded disorder and garnered several awards.

I have a friend who turned me on to her editor when she wrote her own memoir. Once I did the bulk of clarifying aspects of the book with my editor asking all the right questions, I then moved on to a company who could incorporate the many photos I wanted in the book. I wanted to make this a fast and easy read for people that, hopefully, delivers a powerful punch in why it’s so important to help shelter dogs. As an artist, it’s very important to me that I be involved in works which highlight a need or betterment in Society. I try to align myself with those kinds of projects as much as possible because that’s what makes my Soul sing – to help others.

Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot, and plan, or is your writing more organic?

I had been journaling the pandemic years with my dogs Fluke and Diva. People were very engaged on my FB and my audience began to grow there. I don’t want to give the book away, but I went through terrible times and then something miraculous happened. By that time hundreds were following the journey of me and my dogs, begging me to write this book.

I will give one hint of the journey. There were puppies. 3 weeks into raising them, with people on FB clamoring for me to set it all to paper (or computer) I nightly would write for at least 2 hours. It went that way from about October 15th to Christmas Day, 2022, when I finished the book. Of course it took a year of edits and photo placement to get it finally ready to launch. I knew in my head the story I wanted to tell. Originally I was going to write about each memorable dog in my life, but then decided I would focus the bulk of the book on post-Pandemic 2022 and what happened to me. It’s a journey no crystal ball could ever predict, thus the book cover.

What have you found to be most challenging about writing a memoir?

Ah, that was interesting. I have a fascinating family and the book starts off with my parents and how my brothers and I were raised. My mom’s mother had a very difficult life and I was going to write some details about her but I wrestled with what I could say. I wanted to possibly help others who’ve grappled with what she experienced, but I was navigating into territory that was very private. It’s one thing to reveal my secrets, but after living for nearly 6 months with a twitch in my eye, I came to the realization that I had no right to write about her personal hardships when she is long gone. She has no voice now and who I am to reveal some very tragic things without her ability to respond? I couldn’t make it right in my heart. When I deleted a chunk about her that was very sad, the twitch immediately went away. I know I did right by my Grandma. It makes me teary to even answer this question.

I was in a very bad place emotionally by the Summer of 2022. I didn’t want to be here any longer. The world had grown so toxic by what we’ve done to the planet and I was sickened by how nasty and low politics had become. I was terrified for our Democracy (still am,)  hadn’t worked for 3 ½ years in showbiz due to the Pandemic, had suffered the loss of beings I loved more than any I have ever known, and didn’t know use I was in the world. I am a person who likes to be of service. That’s how I view my work as an actress. I want to move people and bring about change. When I no longer had any work and was so broken and lost, I didn’t know what I could give to the world. Well, I went through a true wake up call, due to my dogs and that turned it all around.  I wish I could be more specific but then one wouldn’t need to read the book. It’s a journey that I hope will help others grieving the loss of their beloved furry family and also to help ignite a purpose in others to volunteer or adopt from animal shelters. Shelter pets are so appreciative. Shelter dogs Rock!!! I can say the same for shelter cats, too)

Describe the book in 10 words or less for people just learning about it.

A woman, lost, and the dogs who saved her.

Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?

Oh yes! I want to clear these animal shelters and see each of these divine creatures in their Loving Forever Homes! It all comes down to us. If there were no puppy mills or backyard breeders, if people would spay and neuter, there would be no unwanted dogs or cats. We need to get educated and behave in a kind and responsible way to these creatures who only want to love us.

What is your favorite line from your book?

Pretty please, may I say two?

From my Dad: Loving a dog will be your greatest joy and your deepest sorrow.

From my Mom: We save dogs, Roz, that’s what we do.



About the Author

Roslyn Cohn is an actress who has worked from stages the size of a postage stamp to Broadway with the likes of Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Jerry Stiller, Julie Hagerty, and Ellen Greene as well as appeared in TV, film, and commercials. Roz has won awards in Intimate Theatre (known as 99 Seat) in Los Angeles; awards for her Short “Essential Tremors” about her neurological disorder; and in 2013, with Jake Anthony and Joshua Finkel, co-wrote and stars in the groundbreaking, Broadway World Award-nominated “diffiCult to leave,” about her 23 years in the Cult of Scientology. The entire show lives on her YouTube channel: RoslynCohn. You can visit her at: www.RoslynCohn.com. #WhoSavedWho #ShelterDogsRock #AdoptDontShop


You can find her online at:

Her Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/rozcohn

Website: www.RoslynCohn.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roslyncohn/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rozcohn


Blog Tour Calendar


April 15th @ The Muffin

Join us at The Muffin as we celebrate the launch of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn. Stop by and read an interview with the author and enter for your chance to win a copy of her book.



April 16th @ Pages and Paws

Visit Kristne’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn.



April 18th @ Sarandipity’s Designs

Visit Sara’s blog for an interview with the author and a giveaway of an e-book of Who Saved Who.



April 18th @ Words from the Heart

Join Linda for her review of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn.



April 20th @ A School Librarian in Action

Join Zarah for her review of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn.



April 22nd @ Word Magic

Join Fiona for a spotlight of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn.



April 25th @ Knotty Needle

Visit Judy’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who by Roslyn Cohn.



April 27th @ Chapter Break

Visit Julie’s blog for her interview with Roslyn Cohn.



April 29th @ Boys’ Mom Reads

Visit Karen’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who.



May 1st @ A Storybook World

Join Deirdra for her spotlight of Who Saved Who.



May 3rd @ Weaving a Webb

Visit Jodi’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who.



May 5th @ A Wonderful World of Books

Visit Joy’s blog for a spotlight of Who Saved Who.



May 7th @ World of My Imagination

Visit Nicole’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who.



May 9th @ Bring on Lemons

Visit Crystal’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who.



May 10th @ Boots, Shoes, and Fashion

Join Linda for her interview with Roslyn Cohn about her memoir Who Saved Who.



May 10th @ The Faerie Review

Join Lily for her spotlight of Who Saved Who.



May 11th @ Sara Trimble’s blog

Visit Sara’s blog for her review of Who Saved Who.



May 13th @ Freeing the Butterfly

Visit Michelle’s blog for her interview with the author Roslyn Cohn.



May 15th @ The Mommies Review

Join Glenda for her review of Who Saved Who.





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Posted April 27, 2024 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment


One response to “Who Saved Who Book Tour

  1. Thank you so much, Julie, for the opportunity to answer your great questions re: Who Saved Who. You are helping get the word out about the book and why it’s so important to rescue dogs from shelters. I am beyond grateful to you!!! Warmest Regards and Appreciation, Roz