For this discussion post, we are joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Have your reading interests changed over time?
Interestingly, yes. For a while I was all about mysteries. Young adult me devoured every Nancy Drew book in the library at middle school. Then I took a book break because all the reading in high school made me *gasp* dislike reading. Then, sometime in college, I remembered why I liked to read. So I read a lot of police procedurals and adult mysteries.
But as an adultier adult, I got sick of police procedurals and thrillers, and returned to YA books. Believe it or not, I like YA books more as an adult than as a YA. I rekindled my love of reading because I read Twilight, and my obsession with all things paranormal began. And never ended.
Now my favorite genres to read are urban fantasy, because I enjoy plot and action, and all the really cool characters. I don’t as much want my book focused on the formulaic romances, which is why “paranormal romance” isn’t quite my favorite. But, I have read quite a few of those as well.
These days, I prefer a quicker, lighter read, something that keeps my attention but doesn’t require long hours of focus or remembering characters or events. I never could do an epic fantasy for that reason, and I need a book I can put down for a few weeks when life gets hectic, and pick back up and finish later.
Yes? I’ve always read. And I’ve always read a bunch of different genres – I have a very low boredom threshold. For me, what’s changed the most is I no longer have the need to read what people tell me I ‘should’ read. Read what you want! Nor does it bother me to DNF a book. Screw that! If I’m not enjoying a book, I stop and move on to something else.
The other change to my reading has been A LOT more audio books. I used to list to CD’s in the car on road trips. (I know. I’m old.) But not many other places. Now with quick access to audio books via apps on my phone, I listen everywhere. It’s become my go to over sitting and reading. I find I have about an hour of sitting in me if I’m not interested in a book before I’m scrolling through anything else on my phone.
What about you?
We are also linking up our discussion posts with the 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
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Yes for sure. I also started with Nancy Drew! But then my tastes switched, Sweet Valley High, followed by VC Andrews, and then sneaking my mom’s Stephen King books till she let me read them in high school. I didn’t read as much in high school or college, being more social. Although towards the end of college I really got into Anne Rice, Jurassic Park types of reads, etc. Then for a while I was staying with my Stephen King, Dean Koontz, etc. I moved into YA when Twilight came out and I was teaching middle school. I still do YA, but not as much fantasy, more contemporary, and I’ve gone almost full tilt into adult romance, and rarely if ever pick up Stephen King types of books. I also listen to audiobooks more now too! Fun topic!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…E-galley Review: Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood
I love when reading tastes change and you can enjoy a variety of genre!
“These days, I prefer a quicker, lighter read, something that keeps my attention but doesn’t require long hours of focus or remembering characters or events” YES – However, I can listen to epic fantasies… just not read them. But I don’t want books that weigh me down.
Lynn: I’m a firm believer in DNF – too many books out there!
I can’t listen if it doesn’t hold my attention, so the narrator of a long epic fantasy needs to be on point, lively, and not monotone.
I hadn’t really thought about format, but, yes, I have definitely seen a change in that for me, like for Lynn. I read a lot more digital books now (I’m sure I even have posted about how I didn’t think digital books would be for me in my early blogging days. LOL). I think the past year or so it’s close to being balanced with print books as I make a more concerted effort to read from my older TBR. This year I’m trying more audiobooks, but we’re talking a very small percentage of my reading so I’m not sure it’s even notable.
Like Julie, mysteries were my main staple for awhile there, but I when I looked at my reading logs, I was surprised to see who much other types of books were in and around that. I’ve always like to keep my reading varied and avoid reading too much of one genre at a time for fear of burn out (like I did with romance).
It’s so fun to see where and how we’ve changed over the years when it comes to our reading, isn’t it?
I hope you both have a great weekend!
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark: My Bookish Mewsings on Murder Road by Simone St. James (& Other Friday Fun)
Agreed, so fun to see what we’ve actually read over time. I wish I had Goodreads in middle school and high school!