We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
What a creepy cover. Very interesting and definitely gets your attention.
I like the way the title text is vertical – you don’t see that very often, so the unique touch gets some points. The font and black border looks newspaper title-y, easy to read and just presented for you simply.
The cover images around the vertical title are a bit disturbing. Is that a monster face? Some kind of goat man? A scary looking dude either way.
I’m not sure what a Philosophical Thriller is, I’ve not read a book labeled as such. But reading the blurb to get somewhat of an idea of what this is, I can see why the cover is kind of obscured and difficult to perceive what is happening.
I’m not sure I’d pick this up, it seems to be a police procedural where the people see beyond normal human perception. But it seems a bit obscure and heavy for my current tastes. But hey, it was enough to make me curious to read the blurb.
This cover certainly gets the job done by grabbing my attention. I’m not sure I like it. But I did read the blurb.
Agreed with Julie on the obscure cover going with the obscure blurb. It does feel like abstract art, where you need to squint one eye and look at the cover from an angle to see the whole image. Or to me it looks like a bison in the cold with steam coming rolling off it. Not sure if that’s correct. But that’s what I see!
I also like the vertical title and the cover being divided into three different colors horizontally. There’s something balanced that I find aesthetically pleasing.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
It’s probably not my type of read, but the cover is definitely one that would have me pick it up to check!
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