#JIAM Audiobook Mini Challenge Results Update #JIAMAudiobookChallenge

Posted June 29, 2024 by Julie S. in Challenges / 0 Comments

2024 #JIAM Audiobook Mini Challenge – Results Update

We have previously stated our goals and intentions, and now we are using this post to track and reveal our results.

Join Caffeinated Reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About for the #JIAM (June Is Audiobook Month) audiobook mini-challenge.


Complete at least one challenge to enter giveaway. See rules listed below.

  • Finish/Start a series in a month. (listen to at least 3 audiobooks in a series)
  • Love your Library (listen to 3 audiobooks from your local library)
  • Let there be Monsters (listen to 3 audiobooks with monsters/paranormal elements)
  • Going the Distance (listen to 3 audiobooks over 12 hours each)
  • Tackle your Audiobook TBR Pile (listen to 3 audiobooks you already own)


  • Challenge runs from June 1st through June 30th, 2024.
  • To enter, you must complete one challenge. You can complete more than one for extra entries, but no audiobook title can be used twice.
  • Audiobooks must be a minimum of 4 hours in length.
  • Audiobooks count towards your 2024 Audiobook Challenge goals and can be used for other challenges.
  • Declare your intentions by posting a blog post or sharing on social media. Let’s get everyone listening in June! #JIAMAudiobookChallenge

Sign up Here or Here.


You will find our reviews of these on our monthly reviews roundup post.


Julie Review Avatar Julie’s 2024 JIAM Mini Challenge Results:

So we are moving again this June. This time though, we are driving separate cars from VA to AL. Which hopefully means I can listen to audio books! Maybe, if the kid has his own headphones on since he’s most likely to ride with me.

My challenge goal:

  • Let there be Monsters (listen to 3 audiobooks with monsters/paranormal elements)

Because this is my favorite genre, and I have a bunch of these on my phone TBR audio list, this will be the challenge I plan to enter for June.

I will track the books as part of the audiobook challenge and list them here for the mini-challenge. I will list my reviews on our mini reviews end of month post.

Here’s my main 2024 Audiobook Challenge shelf on Goodreads.

My challenge results:
I followed the challenge Let there be Monsters and achieved it during our move/drive across states. These books also fit the Tackle your Audiobook TBR pile challenge since they were books I bought years ago! So there, no extra points from the challenge makers but extra points in my heart and my #ShelfLove Bingo square!

Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson, #2) (~10 hours long) with characters of shifters, werewolves, vampires, demons

Demon Magic (Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker, #2) (~6 hours long) with characters of fire/dragon souls, shifters, phantoms, demons, mages

Magic Revealed (Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker, #3) (~6 hours long) with characters of fire/dragon souls, shifters, phantoms, demons, mages

Magic Wild (Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker, #4) (~6 hours long) with characters of fire/dragon souls, shifters, phantoms, demons, mages

I did it! I completed and exceeded the challenge. yay me!


 Lynn’s 2024 JIAM Mini Challenge Results:

Oh dang. We need to actually pick one? I was just going to wing it and see which one I completed.

My challenge goal:

  • Love your Library (listen to 3 audiobooks from your local library)

The other challenges hold little appeal (no way am I listening to three books in the same series in a row or 3 monster books!) I might do the side challenge of 3 books over 12 hours for a bonus. 😉

Here’s my main 2024 Audiobook Challenge shelf on Goodreads.

My challenge results:

Any Way the Wind Blows, Sweet Nightmares, Love Hypothesis, & So Damn Lucky – plus these qualify for the over 12 hours bonus

Finley Donovan Rolls the Dice – sadly doesn’t qualify for the over 12 hours bonus.

I completed two challenges! Love your library AND Going the distance. Who cares about that whole one book per challenge rule. That’s silly. What I’ve also learned in this challenge is that shorter books rule. They get you to your books read goal a lot faster than all those long books I’m generally reading!


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Posted June 29, 2024 by Julie S. in Challenges / 0 Comments


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