Chat About Covers: Rum City Bar

Posted July 18, 2024 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

Julie Review Avatar

There’s a bit to unpack here. I had the instant wow factor, and then backed off the wow.

I capital D Dislike the title font. Like why use this font? It’s so 2001. The author font doesn’t look great either. Like it seems out of place with the beautiful image art.

But the image art is amazing. The girl, at least. The scales and the artistic eyes are gorgeous. What kind of creature is she?

Then the guitar, it looks interesting, but isn’t at all in the same style as this girl.

So now, as I look deeper, it almost looks like they grabbed an artistic mermaid girl, and slapped a guitar and bad title font on her.

I did read the blurb and was confused by it, not sure where this beautiful creature fits in.

So, not a big fan of the cover once I take a second look.


Lynnpic avatar
A hodge-podge photoshop of a cover for sure. The elements don’t really mesh well, tbh.

Like Julie, I agree that the image art of woman is well done. She’s very startling looking. I like the alien idea with the stars in the background more than the mermaid idea.

The guitar doesn’t work for me, either. I see the reason for the guitar based on the blurb. But then why the mermaid\alien woman? Why not a regular woman? Who knows. I’m very confused with the cover theme versus the blurb.

I think the fonts are fine – nothing outstanding. But also nothing amazing, either.

Overall, this cover doesn’t work for me, either.


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted July 18, 2024 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Chat About Covers: Rum City Bar

  1. I was going to say the cover is gorgeous, but then I looked at it with your thoughts and see all the things you mentioned. I wonder though, is it a self-published author? I tend to give them a bit of leeway, and the cover is interesting enough it would grab me to at least pick it up and check out the blurb!
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