Mini Reviews Wrap Up July 2024

Posted July 31, 2024 by Lynn in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 0 Comments


Here at Chapter Break, we don’t always write a full review of every book we read. Well, now we decided to do these monthly wrap-up posts with roundups of our reviews this month and mini-reviews to fill in the gaps. Enjoy!

Mini Book Reviews


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Phantom Magic (Dragon’s Gift: The Seeker Book 5) I enjoyed the season finale of Del’s story. She went through a lot in the previous book being forced to fulfil an evil prophesy against her will, and she spent this book resolving it. Things weren’t perfect, but she got the job done. I did think the ability to turn time was a little bit cheating but I would have done the same thing in the middle of a battle. Overall for this series – I enjoy the characters, their fun personalities and unbending loyalty to fight for each other. The audio narration is good and I like how each character has a unique voice and sound. The writing is simple and straight forward which works for these quick stories. Though, I would think combining them into fewer longer books with more going on would be better than having to get 5 individual books that are so short (these are 6 hour audiobooks, very short).

The Fourth Closet: Five Nights at Freddy’s (Five Nights at Freddy’s Graphic Novel #3) (Five Nights at Freddy’s Graphic Novels) So my son made me read this on our flight. He’s 9. It was one of his favorites. I can’t say I’m a huge graphic novel fan, or straight up horror fan, but this was quite interesting. It was a bit eerie where even at the end I don’t know all the answers, and I kinda like that. Who is Charlie? Is she real?


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MIDNIGHT LIBRARY – Ok. Technically I finished this on June 30. But that June post already published and I’m lazy. So July it is! This one is kind of a downer. But an optimistic downer. About choices and the regrets of not making choices. Interesting concept about that in between space and time between life and death. Nora’s choices work out in the end. That’s the optimistic part. The downer part was all the choices Nora made to make others happy. Which is probably the lesson. I enjoyed Carrey Mulligan’s soothing narration. Easy listening at it’s best. Overall, I’d say a good book. Suicide trigger warning if you need that.

THE SECRET CHAPTER: I missed Vale’s and Silver’s presences in this book! But the additional Faye and their criminal archetypes made for a fun read. I read a review likening this to an Indiana Jones novel and I think that’s accurate. Or I’d also say similar to the Ocean’s 11 movies. Big crew planning a heist; crew members may or may not be trustworthy; multiple high speed vehicle chases; and all-around good time! Plus some very interesting revelations about dragons. Cogman’s books continue to entertain.

  EMPIRE OF THE DAMNED: Fraking Jay Kristoff and his fraking long books, sucking me in and then leaving me with yet another cliff-hanger. I don’t know of a lot of other authors who can leave me wanting ANOTHER 30 plus hours after finishing a book. This one has the heroes in peril with little hope of staying alive. Lots of journey. BIG battle scenes. Morally grey characters. A lot of blood. A lot of violence. To the point where I was over it by the end. I don’t know that there is a spare word to cut out. But there towards the end, I knew there was A LOT of plot still to wrap up and not a lot of time to do it. Definitely the second in a series. Plus, the audio book has a bonus interview where Mr. Kristoff himself says “trauma is my brand.” Like no kidding. Henceforth, I’ll only be referring to this author as Jay “trauma is my brand” Kristoff. Now pardon me as I need to go find something light and fluffy to read as a palate cleanser.

  WHAT THE RIVER KNOWS: I’ve been telling everyone I know who likes Historical Fiction to read this book! Let me break it down for you:

  • Feisty and interesting main character in Inez. And we all know how much I love a good screw you to society from our main characters.
  • Set in historic Egypt – 1880’s – with danger and history around every corner.
  • Similar in tone to the Amelia Peabody books by Elizabeth Peters – some of my fav books!
  • Cute, slightly damaged, flirty boy who’s a great foil for Inez.
  • All of the other characters are unreliable – and I’m not even sure after finishing who to trust!
  • Action and adventure with a side of magic.

And I even READ this one. Like with my eyes and not my ears. If that’s not a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what else could be.

  ERUPTION: I was skeptical when I first learned that James Patterson was finishing a Michael Crichton book. I have always loved Crichton’s books. Patterson, not as much. This one far exceeded my expectations. Heart-pounding action from start to finish with the countdown to the eruption. Characters which we love and also characters which we love to hate. A quick, action-packed read! My only complaint was the ending is abrupt and unsatisfactory. 15 minutes of the book left and a Hail Mary pass later, the book hits the end. I don’t know of a better way the book could have ended, given the plot. But still.


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Posted July 31, 2024 by Lynn in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 0 Comments
