Chat Between Chapters: How quickly do you write your review?

Posted August 13, 2024 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 0 Comments


How quickly do you review? Do you like to write your review right away so you don’t forget. Or, do you like to have the book marinate in your mind for a while? 


Julie Review Avatar Julie:

So I have this issue: it’s called mom brain. I love to read, and I forget what I read quickly. While not feasible at all times to write a review immediately upon finishing a book, it’s usually the best course of action for me. I mean, usually I finish it either on the go if it’s an audiobook or in my recliner if it’s a book book. So often times I’m going to go through some mental gymnastics on my initial book thoughts, and then later when I’m on my computer I might start writing. By then, some might get lost in translation. Realistically, it would be best for me to take notes as I’m reading to be able to include things in my reviews. But, I hate that. Also, I don’t all that much enjoy writing reviews to begin with. So, I don’t do that. So when I do sit down to my review, you get what you get that I remembered. Enjoy.



hah! Julie’s right on the money with reviewing after finishing a book. I quickly move on to the next book and also forget. Especially if it’s a blog tour review that needs to be more than a few sentences long. I actually do take notes when I’m reading. That’s easier for me to remember my impressions of the book or scenes. If I’m listening, I’ll stop to put that into a notes app or text message myself. I also do a lot of review composition while I’m walking\listening\thinking. Then when I’m writing my actual review, I translate those notes into sentences and finish fleshing out the details with any quotes I’ve also saved.



What about you?



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Posted August 13, 2024 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 0 Comments
