Chat About Covers: Salt & Broom

Posted November 21, 2024 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments



We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

Salt & Broom
Price: $17.50
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Julie Review Avatar

I am finding myself confused with this cover. We have a serene scene of a town along a lovely river, looking like a peaceful wall art in a bank or something. Then front layer is in your face angry raven with wings on fire? Or are they just glowing?

The pairing of these scenes does not work – they are not the same. They do not belong visually and it it is so distracting. It’s like old timey country village meets AI.

Why is the bird holding a bouquet of flowers? It looks like it stole them off a grave or something, since they are bound like that. Whatcha doing birdy?

The font I like. I even kind of like how the bird’s wing goes through the letter S. The font choice is nice, blocky and easy to read, but with character.

The title itself, gives supernatural vibes. Salt and Burn is how you kill a spirit for good. But why are we brooming it? Broom suggests witch, but why salt then? Curiouser and curiouser, and then I read the blurb.

WHAT this is a twisted retelling of Jane Eyre? Oh.. maybe I would enjoy this after all.


Lynnpic avatar
I was going through the list of Audible books on sale and saw this one, which was also on our list of possible cover chat covers. Serendipity!

This cover is not necessarily bad, but also not great. I do like how the light is reflecting off the bird. I think, overall, I’m freaked out by the bird. I do not need to be that close to a bird! The cover does give off the witchy vibe suggested by the description, with the old house in the background and the flowers being clutched by the bird.

The title font works, especially as it looks like it’s salt that’s blowing away in the wind.

In general, I’m not really into witch books. But the fact that this is a retelling of Jane Eyre certainly grabbed my attention. Might be more of a library book check out than a purchase.


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted November 21, 2024 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments


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