July and Everything After
By Allie Nava
July and Everything After
Book Summary
Maya’s journey from America to her birth country was meant to be a nostalgic visit. Instead, it became a fight for survival.
On the eve of Maya’s 22nd birthday, civil war breaks out in Sri Lanka. During what will become known as “Black July,” Maya is targeted and attacked in the organized massacres and pogroms against minorities, and she barely escapes the genocidal chaos.
Haunted by the horrors she witnessed, Maya returns to the US and tries to rally a diverse group of allies to help expose the atrocities in her birth country, among them her Norwegian-American best friend, a magnanimous Catholic nun, and a gifted young man from her past.
Bent on justice, Maya isn’t prepared for the unexpected twists and turns and confrontations with a nemesis that will test her resolve. As the war and humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka intensify, so does Maya’s disillusionment, but contact with a mysterious mentor whose wisdom she once ignored holds the key to her future.
Fans of Paolo Coelho, Amy Tan, Vaddey Ratner, and Khaled Hosseini will be captivated by July and Everything After, a modern tale of resilience and transformation against extraordinary odds and war.
Publisher: DartFrog Books (September 16, 2024)
ISBN: 1965253059
ISBN: 978-1965253052
Print length: 238 pages
Women’s fiction
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Author Interview
5 questions with Allie Nava, author of July and Everything After
Tell us what you enjoy most about writing fiction.
I love that fiction gives us the chance to explore what is possible or what may have been. It’s a chance to engage with storytelling that can help us learn, empathize, and maybe even guide us to better versions of ourselves. Stories are an integral part of the human experience, and they are what have held us together for centuries, and what have enabled us to work toward the common good in the world. I feel blessed and privileged every day that I get a chance to be a part of that powerful poignant storytelling world.
Describe the book or series in 10 words or less for people just learning about it.
It’s a tale of an American woman’s resilience against extraordinary odds.
Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?
The story is filled with lots of action and unexpected twists and turns, and even a bit of romance. It’s a modern tale of resilience against extraordinary odds. It’s an American woman’s journey back to her birth country, where she confronts unexpected terror, and then her grueling attempt to shine a light on that back in the US. She goes through a number of personal crises, and there’s even a mysterious mentor she once ignored who comes back into the picture.
I hope readers enjoy and engage with book, and feel that they get something out of following the protagonist’s journey, be it a new perspective on what it means to be American or a new perspective on how different challenges outside of the country can be sometimes, or even a new perspective on what it means to be resilient.
What is your take on book boyfriends? Do they actually exist? Or do they set the bar for “real-life men” impossibly high?
Isn’t that the great thing about books! We can read about what could have been or what could be, when we want an escape or want to just get lost in a great book or maybe even learn something new.
In reality, book boyfriends probably do set the bar too high for “real-life”. Real life is complex and messy. We are social creatures who bring different life experiences with us everywhere, and sometimes we make mistakes.
But that we read, is a testament to our curiosity and desire to engage in what could be better. People want to do the right thing when they are given a chance, but sometimes they just need a chance to realize it for themselves. Book boyfriends can seem impossibly great sometimes, but they also make mistakes and they have flaws, and maybe we fall in love with them despite all of that, because of who they try to be.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing for my next book, I dedicate myself to work that moves opportunity forward for women in various ways. Through my prior career, my current projects, and my volunteer endeavors, I focus on working with organizations that advance economic, leadership, and creative arts opportunities for women. Outside of that, I enjoy discovering new restaurants, new walking trails, and new travel destinations, though there are many places I also enjoy returning. I love learning about the history of the places I visit. And yes, I appreciate reading new books and of course a great romance (be it film or book)!
About the Author
Allie Nava is an American writer who survived the violent anti-minority massacres of 1970s Sri Lanka. A former executive and writing advisor, she’s been a board member or advocate for several mission-oriented organizations including Bellevue Literary Review and Golden Seeds. She has been an invited speaker at several ideas festivals, universities, and conferences, an expert panelist for WNYC (The Brian Lehrer Show), and has been recognized for her work by several organizations including Amazon, Harvard, and Asia Society. She is a member of The Authors Guild.
Allie Nava is the author of bestselling novel JULY AND EVERYTHING AFTER, a modern tale of resilience against extraordinary odds. You can find her online at and on social media at
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Blog Tour Calendar
November 11th @ The Muffin
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Allie Nava’s novel July and Everything After. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of her book.
November 13th @ Create Write Now
In today’s spotlight, learn more about July and Everything After by Allie Nava.
November 14th @ Pages and Paws
Stop by for a review of July and Everything After.
November 17th @ Just Katherine
Novelist Allie Nava writes about Carving a Tunnel of Hope.
November 18th @ Tracey Lampley
“Expect to self-rescue. No help is coming.” Learn more in today’s guest post by writer Allie Nava.
November 19th @ The Faerie Review
Need an addition to your TBR pile? Check out today’s spotlight of July and Everything After by Allie Nava.
November 20th @ Pages and Paws
Author Allie Nava will also be sharing a guest post on kindness as the antidote to anger
November 21st @ Some Thoughts – Everything Creativity
Novelist Allie Nava is writing about drawing your own conclusions.
November 23rd @ Words by Webb
Celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with a new author. Read a review of Allie Nava’ July and Everything After.
November 25th @ Chapter Break
Julie interviews author Allie Nava. Learn more about her and her novel July and Everything After.
November 27th @ A Storybook World
Today’s guest poster, Allie Nava, writes about The Choice to Heal.
November 30th @ Nikki’s Book Reviews
Stop by for Nikki’s review of July and Everything After, a novel by Allie Nava.
December 4th @ What Is That Book About
Start out a new month with a spotlight on a new book: July and Everything After.
December 7th @ A Wonderful World of Words
Allie Nava is visiting with a post about Positive Growth.
December 10th @ Choices
Author Allie Nava, author of July and Everything After, guest posts about Being Overlooked or Ignored.
December 15th @ Jill Sheets
Learn more about author Allie Nava and her novel July and Everything After in today’s interview.
December 15th @ Boots, Shoes and Fashion
Linda is chatting with Allie Nava about her novel July and Everything After.
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